19•Pretty Dress!

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Fluff :)

Dave is currently sitting at the table with a bottle of alcohol with him. He swayed it calmly in his hand.

Lifting it up to his lips, he suddenly heard soft footsteps approaching him. He turned his head.

He froze. The bottle frozen up to his lips but he did not drink. He just stared. Seeing the pretty blonde man enter the kitchen. His cheeks warmed up once he noticed.

A white floral dress on - Kurt. He didn't notice Dave was looking. Since the fridge door was opened.

Kurt was rummaging through the contents before he takes out the gallon of milk.

He takes it out and used his foot to close the door. Walking himself to the counter. He opened the cabinet.

He takes out a glass. Calmly setting it down on the counter. Dave watched. The drummers heart beating fast.

Admiring how the dress shaped Kurt, and how beautiful his golden hair looked. Kurt looked gorgeous.

Kurt felt someone looking at him. He unscrewed the milk cap and then turned his head. Noticing Dave.

"Oh, Hi." Kurt softly spoke before turning his head back around. Focusing on getting himself the refreshing cold drink.

"Hi." Dave muttered back. He got up from where he was sitting. He walked over. He bit his lip.

Kurt had the glass of milk in his hand. He turned around and was face-to-face with Dave.

Dave felt his face heat up. Noticing how close the two accidentally got. He stepped back. "Sorry!"

"It's okay." Kurt replied as he handed Dave the gallon of milk. "Here, put this away while you're here."

Dave rolled his eyes. He chuckled softly and takes a hold of the handle. "Ha. Sure." He then walked himself over to the fridge and sets the gallon of milk back inside.

He shuts the fridge door. He turned around and gazed at Kurt lovingly. Kurt blushed as he shyly takes a sip of his drink.

"That dress is pretty." Dave complimented. A small smirk rising up on his face. Kurt turned his head once he felt himself get flustered.

Dave noticed and chuckled. "Where'd you get it?" He asked. Kurt lowered his glass. It is half empty.

"Got it from the local thrift down the road. I couldn't help it! It looks so pretty!" Kurt exclaimed happily as faced Dave with a warmhearted grin.

Dave bit his lip. He walked himself back over. Kurt was focused on finishing his drink.

The drummers muscular arms wrapped around Kurt's waist. Kurt nearly choked but swallowed down the liquid. He lowered the empty glass.

Holding it with his hand as he shyly gazed up at Dave. His cheeks all rosy and red from the sudden touch.

Dave bit the inside of his cheek and chuckled softly. "Sorry, I just have to get a closer look.." he said, his voice dropping a few octaves.

Kurt's face turned even more red. He couldn't hide the blush. Even if he wanted too. He felt small. He sets the glass on the counter.

"That's fine." Kurt squeaked out. Dave rubbed Kurt's boned frail hips. Feeling the fabric of the dress.

Dave leaned in close. He gazed at Kurt's lips before looking at the floral pattern that littered everywhere on the dress.

"Such pretty flowers...it kind of reminds me of a grandma's table cloth." Dave joked. Kurt giggled as he wrapped his arms around Dave's neck.

Dave felt himself blush once Kurt's arms went around him. "Is it still pretty though?" Kurt asked.

Dave imediantly nodded. A small grin on his face. "Oh hell yeah, it's fucking gorgeous on you - Kurt. You should wear dresses more often."

Kurt giggled as he shyly hides his face into the crook of Dave's neck. Dave spoke up, "Awh, Maybe wear some to performances."

Kurt bit his lip as he rubbed  Dave's hair. "Yeah, t-that sounds great. Show that men can be feminine, too. Show off the rights?"

Dave nodded. "Hell yeah, we can do a photoshoot in like skirts or something."

Kurt smiled. "Yeah..that sounds like a great idea." Dave nodded. "For sure." He suddenly bit his lip again.

He couldn't help it. Kurt looks so good in the dress. Kurt's fingers tangled themselves into Dave's hair as he pulled his head back.

The two made eye contact. Dave sighed lovingly as he poured his eyes into Kurts facial features.

"Is it bad I want to kiss you?" Dave blurted out. He imediantly bit his lip harshly.

It drawed a bit of blood. But Dave kept biting at his lip. Nervous to what Kurt is going to say.

But Kurt didn't say anything.

Kurt simply leaned in. A small smile on his face. He kissed Dave's lips. A very soft, gentle yet loving kiss.

Dave felt his anxiety wash away. He returned the kiss and held onto Kurt's hips.

Kurt slowly pulled back after a moment. He smiled. "That's fine with me." He whispered back.

Dave chuckled as he pecked Kurt's lips again. "Good." He replied. The two separated.

"Wear dresses more often, Kurt." Dave muttered and went back to the table. He sat at it. Picking up the bottle with a wink.

Kurt felt his face turn red. He smiled softly.

"I will." He replied and left the kitchen.

Leaving  Dave alone feeling butterflies and loving feelings.

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