18•Bar Fight (2)

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Angst comfort// TW: description of Kurt's injuries on his face , drunken vomiting!, Body insecurities and  High cussing ! 


They reached the location of the bathroom in the little apartment they shared. Dave looked at Kurt. "Do you need to puke? You look sick."

Kurt nodded imediantly. Gagging a few times. He crouched down to the toilet. Dave knelt down too.

He held Kurt's blonde hair back as Kurt vomited violently into the toilet. Coughing harshly as he puked more. Tears stinging up to his eyes as he gagged.

"Holy shit!" Kurt gagged again and leaned his head further down into the toilet. Puking more. Dave sighed. He used his other hand to rub his boyfriends back.

"Hon, you really drank a lot tonight..didn't you?" Dave asked. Kurt breathed out harshly before leaning his head forward.

He puked again. Dave teared up. "Baby..?" Kurt lifted his head. Panting heavily as he nodded. "I'm okay. I'm fucking okay."

"You sure?" Dave asked, almost hesitantly. Kurt nodded. "Just my stomach hurts..damn."

Kurt sluggishly stood himself up. He grunted and wobbled. Catching himself with the bathroom counter.

"Here, I'll get you a pair of pajamas you can change into.. you got some puke on yourself." Dave muttered.

Kurt lifted his head. Dave imediantly felt like crying. Seeing the bruises and blood on the blondes face.

It even got in some of Kurt's greasy hair. It dried into it. Staining a bit of the blonde into a crimson red.

Kurts face was covered in purple and blue bruises. Especially towards his left eye and jawline. His lip was stained red from the blood and looked puffed up.

His left eye is puffing up as well. More of a reddish purple in shade of bruising. It was forming up so fast. Fresh blood continued to leak out of Kurt's nostrils. It leaked down to his lip and dropped onto the frontman's flannel.

Dave examined Kurt's face. "We're giving you a bath. I need to clean you up, babe."

Kurt sighed in defeat. He nodded his head. "Yeah..yeah. probably best." Dave nodded. "I'll get the water started. You undress yourself and get in. Okay?"

Kurt nodded his head. Dave went over and started the water to a warm temperature in the bathtub. He then kissed Kurt's head and left to fetch his boyfriend some PJs.

A small timid smile rising onto Kurt's face as he flushed the toilet. So the vomit went down.

He undressed himself and got into the tub. Feeling the warm water hit his skin. It's been so long since he bathed last. So this was very relaxing.

Dave came back and sets a towel and Kurt's striped PJs on the counter. He knelt down at the tub.

Switching the knobs, he turned the faucet off. The tub is full. Dave grabbed the body wash, soap, and conditioner.

"Here, honey. I have to clean you up." Dave whispered as he grabbed a wash rag that was hanging beside him.

Kurt sighed. "I love you." He mumbled as Dave started to wash Kurt's face with the rag.

"I love you too, but you really worried me babe." Dave replied as he washed the blood off of Kurt's face with soap and water.

He then started to wash and clean Kurt's hair. Adding the shampoo first as he lathered it into Kurt's hair.

The blonde can feel himself sobering up. Not being as angry or intoxicated as before. He felt relaxed. Contented.

Dave gave Kurt's head a few scratches. Very light and gentle. Kurt sighed as he leaned his head down. His eyes closed.

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