7• A Cold Walk

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The month of December, very freezing. It was raining a bit ago during the bands performance when they were inside a building.

Krist got very drunk and left with Shelli. He took the van so Kurt and Dave have to walk back home.

Which ticked them off, why would the bass player just forget about them? The only thing relieving is that the bands instruments are packed inside the car already.

Dave huffed in anger. "He bothered to put the instruments inside, but forgot to get us!" He shouted into the darkness of the cold air.

Kurt shivered. Standing next to the male once they made it outside. The drummer turned to Kurt. "Can't believe this!" He scolded out again.

"Dave. It's fine." Kurt tried to reassure but Dave rolled his brown eyes. He scoffed.

"How is this, fine? We are outside and have no way to get home. And if you're thinking about hitching a ride, that's a no." Dave snapped and moved some his brown hair away from his face.

Kurt sighed. "Look on the bright side, least we aren't separated." Dave felt himself relax once he heard that.

"Yeah.. I guess so. Sorry, I'm just pissed." Dave briefly apologized. He looked down at the shorter blonde.

Kurt timidly smiled upwards at the brunet. His cerulean eyes looked tired though.

The drummer noticed how tired Kurt looked and sighed. "Well, it was a thirty minute drive, how long of a walk do you think?" He asked as the two began to walk.

Kurt shivered, again. He adjusted his dark green cardigan over himself. "Not sure, estimate."

Dave furrowed his eyebrows. "You think I do fucking math? I failed." Kurt's lips curled into a small grin and laughed softly.

"Let's say, 2 hours." Kurt told Dave. Dave imediantly groaned. "What?! Really?!"

"No! I actually don't know!" Kurt shouted back. They are both tired, cold, and stressed now.

They both groaned and continued to walk there legs. Walking down the empty road.

"Any payphone around here? Call Krist?" Dave muttered. Kurt shakes his head. "No, I don't think there's one around here. We aren't exactly in our town."

Dave groaned. "Damnit! Whatever. Let's just walk home. On this, long....stretched, boring, empty, road." He explained the road in minor details.

Kurt giggled and shivered again. The two continued to walk there way. About 68 minutes passed of silent walking.

They reached a local of familiar areas. They see the little mini-mart that they usually go to.

"Hey we're almost there, man. This actually wasn't that bad." Dave spoke. The walk was quiet, but the two enjoyed their presences.

'Maybe too tired to conversate.' Dave thought as he noticed Kurt was walking with his head down the entire time.

Kurt eventually lifted his head and shivered again. "Huh?" He muttered. Like he didn't hear Dave at all.

"I said, this was a nice walk. Hm?" Dave repeated. Kurt nodded and kept on shivering. Dave noticed.

"Oh Kurt! You're freezing!" He exclaimed. He takes a hold of Kurts hands. "You're hands..they're cold."

Kurt blushed a bit once his hands are being held by the brunet. He shyly looked away. Not saying a word.

"Here." Dave muttered and extracted his hands back. He unzipped the jacket he is wearing. Kurt looked over.

"Wh–" he stopped talking when Dave puts the jacket onto Kurt. Kurt slipped in his arms as Dave knelt down to zip the coat up.

"You're shivering your ass off. Here." Dave mumbled with love and care. He zipped the coat up.

Kurt blushed. "Oh thank you..but aren't you going to be cold?" He asked. Dave shakes his head. "Nah, I smashed my drums pretty hard today so I'm still breaking the sweat."

A small smile rises onto Kurt's face as Dave stood up. He ruffled Kurt's hair. "Is that better? Feeling warmer?" He asked. Wanting to make sure.

Kurt shyly nodded his head. "yeah, thank you." He spoke in his soft rasped voice.

"Of course, hon." Dave replied. Feeling himself blush when the nickname slipped out. But Kurt didn't seem to mind.

The two continued their walk. Passing by the mini-mart as they strolled back to the tiny apartment.

Dave glanced down at Kurt's hand. Watching it sway as the blonde continued to walk beside him.

Deciding to make the risk of the move, Dave placed his fingers in with Kurts. He held Kurt's hand.

Kurt blushed and looked down at their hands. Then back up at Dave's face. Dave bit the inside of his cheek, feeling nervous.

Kurt reassured him with a light squeeze to the hand that it's ok. Dave felt himself untense as he squeezed back.

Then the two walked again, holding hands. Their heartbeats racing with blush across their faces.

This may have been a cold night, but it just got warmer.

Dave looked over. Noticing the blush. He dismissed it as Kurt just being cold. Since his cheeks are rosy red.

They finally made it back to the apartment. Dave extracted his hand away and opened the door.

"Wow, it's unlocked. That's good. I guess Krist is home." Dave mumbled. Kurt glanced over and noticed the van parked.

"Yeah, he is." He replied as the two went inside.

Dave shuts the door to see A drunk passed out Krist on the couch. Dave and Kurt look at each other and roll their eyes.

"Do you maybe want to sleep in my room, tonight?" Dave asked the frontman. Kurt blushed again.

The apartment felt much warmer since the heater is on. Kurt nodded his head. "Sure, if that's okay."

"Yeah, that's fine with me. C'mon." Dave urged on as he takes a hold of Kurts hand again.

Holding hands, the two went upstairs into Dave's room. Kurt entered first and let's go of Dave's hand.

Dave shuts the door behind him once he entered last. Kurt plopped himself on Dave's bed. Taking off his shoes.

"Man, that concert was tiring." Kurt grumbled as Dave takes off his own shoes. "Yeah, but it was fun, hm?"

Kurt nodded his head. "Fuck, yeah. Just tired." Dave chuckled. "Here let me take the coat off of you."

Kurt blushed again as Dave helps Kurt take off the jacket. "Do you want your cardigan off too, while im at it?"

The frontman's cheeks burned with blush as he shyly nodded. "I-i mean sure." Dave smiled at this and unbuttons Kurt's cardigan.

He slips it off of Kurt. Kurt has his flipper tee on now. The only layer left. Dave ruffled Kurt's hair. "There."

"Thanks." Kurt sighed out as he laid back on the bed. Sighing tiredly. Dave laid next to him.

Both laying on their backs. Dave spoke up. "You know, the walk is actually pretty nice. Do you agree?"

Kurt nodded his head in agreement. "Yeah, actually...I enjoyed it." Dave hummed.

"Tired now though." Kurt mumbled as he kissed Dave's cheek. Dave felt his heart flutter.

"Night." Kurt mumbled and rolled over . His back facing Dave.

"Goodnight, Kurt." Dave replied with a small smile resting on his face.

The two fell asleep and eventually started cuddling each other.

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