13•Whispers & Kisses

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Fluff :)

Dave and Kurt are at an interview. Krist got away from it by sneaking out with Shelli. So he left the two there.

Kurt refused to talk. His shyness started up as soon as they took their seats. So he knew Dave would have to do the talking.

"Hello, Dave. Kurt." The interviewer greeted as the camera was aimed at them. "Hi." Dave replied. He clicked his tongue while Kurt just waved.

Then the questions came flooding out.

"So, Kurt do you plan on releasing a new album at some point?"

Kurt sighed. He knew he had to talk then. Dave glanced over. Kurt leaned his head to Dave's ear. He whispered into it,

"Tell them, soon. I still have the songs that need to be written along with working on the riffs for them."

Dave nodded and told exactly what Kurt whispered. Then it just went back and forward like this for sometime.

Once the interview came to it's close. Kurt just left. He didn't thank the guy, he just left. Dave shrugged and simply followed.

"God that was annoying." Kurt spoke softly once the two made it outside. Dave chuckled. "I know right?..wait did Krist take the van?"

They looked around. But sighed in relief to see the van still there. "Probably a drive from Shelli." Kurt replied. "Yeah, most likely."

"Do you have the keys, anyway?" Kurt asked as they reached the van. Dave blinked. "No...I thought you did."

Kurt shakes his head. "No." "-Shit." Dave cussed out. He placed his hand on the door and it opened with ease.

He furrowed his eyebrows. "Well, found the keys. On the seat." Dave blinked with a laugh. Kurt hummed.

"Well you drive. I'm tired." Kurt muttered as he walked over to the other side. To the passenger. He got in.

Dave picked up the keys. He gets himself in and closed the van door once he got inside. Kurt mimicked the action of the door closing.

The car started up with a purr. Dave placed his hands on the wheel. "Let's get home." He muttered.

Then, he started to drive. Kurt has his head laying on the car's window. His eyes closing.

Once they made it to a red light. Dave looked over. He smiled as he eyed the blonde lovingly.

"You still awake over there?" He decided to jokingly ask. Kurt opened his eyes. "Huh..?  Yeah, yeah." He replied.

After a short time drive, Kurt was already out. Asleep with his head on the window. His blonde hair a mess and in his face.

Dave parked. He looked over and chuckled. "You sleep a lot for someone that's so young." He muttered as he gets out of the car.

Walking himself to the other side. He opened the door. Quickly he wrapped his arms around Kurt.

He lifted the sleeping blonde up. Holding Kurt bridal style as he used his shoe to close the car's door.

Kurt has his face now buried into the crook of Dave's neck. His warm breath tickling it and making Dave blush.

He entered the house with the blonde in his arms. Krist no where to be seen. Once again he used the foot to shut the door.

Kurt heard the door close. He opened his eyes. "What...?" He croaked out. His voice full of exhaustion. Dave leaned down and whispered in Kurt's ear.

"I just took you in. We're home."

"Oh." Kurt muttered as he kept his head hidden into Dave's neck. Humming in relaxation.

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