4•Freetime Confessions

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Fluff :)

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Kurt is currently upstairs. A book in his hands. He always tends to read something or create when there's free time. In his bedroom. His guitar resting in the corner. Near his bed.

Paintings and rubbered dolls scattered on an art table near his dresser. One canvas propped upwards on the easel still. Blank.

The band recently finished their practice for the day and Krist left to go visit Shelli.

Dave and Kurt are the only ones home. Which didn't bother them, Krist goes out most of the time.

Dave is sitting on the couch. Flipping through the channels on the little boxed TV. He groaned. "Damnit! Nothing good is on."

He got up and turned the TV completely off. Now silence has entered the living room.

The drummer lifted his gaze towards the stairs. His heart increased beating. It's pumping in his ribcage.

Most of the time, he only sees Kurt during practices, and concerts, or plane rides and interviews.

Interviews are the most they talk to each other. But when they get home, Kurt imediantly disappears upstairs to his bedroom.

With any of these.

"He's so shy." Dave muttered as he walked over to the stairwell. "So cute, too. Wonder what he's up to.." he trailed himself off as he trotted up the stairs.

The drummer makes his way to Kurt's bedroom. He softly knocked on the door. Kurt got startled in his bed.

He lifted his gaze off of the page he was reading. "What?" He said, a mood of annoyance. Dave opened the door.

"Hi, Kurt." Dave greeted. A small wave afterwards. Kurt's mood completely switched once he noticed Dave.

His shyness crawled out. "Can I..hangout with you?" Dave asked. Fidgeting with his thumbs. His hands began to get clammy. From nervousness.

Kurt nodded his head, timidly. He folded the top corner of the page he was on and shuts the book. He plopped it onto the nightstand.

"Sure." He replied. Dave imediantly grinned and walked himself inside. He shuts the door behind himself.

"Woah.." Dave muttered as he takes a look around. Gazing at some paintings that are hanged up on the wall.

Kurt tucked up his baggy jeaned covered legs. "Yeah, I painted those. I like art." Dave looked over at the frontman with love.

"It's incredible!" Dave exclaimed happily as he plopped himself onto Kurt's bed.  "You think so?" Kurt asked softly.

Dave nodded. "Yeah, for sure." He turned his head and gazed at Kurt with love. It got silent for a few minutes.

Them just looking at each other with love and admiration. Kurt shyly broke the gaze. "I can paint you something if you'd like." He muttered shyly.

His boney finger pointed over at the blank canvas. Dave's heart skipped a beat. "Sure, I'd like that."

Kurt got himself off the bed. He adjusts the flannel he has on as he walked himself over to the stool and his paints.

He takes a seat. Taking off his flannel to reveal his mudhoney tee. He tossed the flannel to the ground. Twirled a paintbrush in his hand.

"You can watch. I don't mind." Kurt muttered as he sets his paints out on his pallette. Dave felt his cheeks warm up. "Sounds good to me."

An hour passes and Kurt finished his painting. It is a bright colored sunset with little red poppies littering most of the canvas. He sets the dirty brush into  his jar of water.

Dave gets off the bed. He stared at it. Completely in shock and adoration. "Wow! This is so beautiful! I'll have to frame it."

Kurt blushed. He turned his head and laughed it off. "It's not that great." Dave scoffed in disagreement. "What?? This is fucking cool man! It's pretty."

Kurt shyly looked down at his socked feet. Dave smiled and placed his hands onto Kurt's shoulders.

The frontman lifted his cerulean gaze. Staring up at Dave. His heart fluttered. Dave inched his face closer.

Both of their faces radiated up the familiar red crimson blush. The drummer bit his lip as he muttered.

"Is it bad I want to kiss you, right now?" The question came flooding out.

Kurt shakes his head no. "No." He muttered out. His heart beat increased. Dave felt his lips curl upwards.

He leaned in and softly smashed his lips onto Kurt's. Kurt returned the kiss. It was short and sweet. Dave pulled back.

"I'm so sorry-" he panicked out the apology. Backing himself up. Kurt got off the stool he was sitting on.

He walked himself over. Smiling happily as he hugged the taller, muscular, drummer.

"No need to apologize for your confession." Kurt whispered as he planted a small kiss to Dave's collarbone.

Dave gently gripped Kurt's back. He eyed down at the blonde. "What..?" He muttered.

Kurt lifted his head. "I feel the same way." He reassured to the brunet. Dave felt his lips tremble in shock.

"You do?" He muttered out. Kurt shyly kissed the corner of Dave's mouth. He nodded his head. "I do."

Dave turned his head. He gently kissed Kurt. Kurt smiled in between the kisses. He returned them, of course.

They pulled back. "You do love me?" Dave asked, he needed more reassurance.

Kurt sighed. He nodded his head. "Yes, dumbass." He joked with a smile. Dave laughed as he leaned back in.

He kissed Kurt. Kurt returned the kiss. Then, they pulled back.

"Wanna know something?" Dave muttered as he held onto Kurt's hand. He walked with the frontman to the bed.

They both laid on their backs. Side by side. Kurt hummed. "Hm?" Dave rolled over on his side. Eyeing Kurt with love.

"I was waiting for the time, to tell you. I guess today." Dave laughed softly as he wrapped his arms around Kurt.

Kurt laid his head onto Dave's chest. Listening to the relaxed heartbeat. "..You always hide, Kurt. Why?" Dave asked.

Kurt bit the inside of his cheek. He lifted his head. He kissed Dave's cheek. "That doesn't matter. What matters is that I love you."

Dave smiled. "I love you too, Kurt. A lot."

The two giggled and shared a kiss before relaxing themselves.

Holding each other.

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