28•Carrying You

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Dave has his back laying firmly on his mattress. Staring up at the darkness of his ceiling. He couldn't sleep.

His mind is racing. All the time. He can't get the blonde out of his head. Thinking about him made his heart race.

He rolled onto his side. Hugging a pillow oh-so tight. He closed his eyes. But mentally he sees an image of Cobain smiling at him.

His eyes snapped themselves opened. He groaned. Tossing the pillow onto the ground.

Pushing himself up and out of bed. He left his bedroom. Lightly shutting his door.

He heard the TV on. He heads down to the living room. The miniature boxed television was playing a film.

Steps slowly make their way over. There, he sees Kurt coiled himself with a blanket on the couch.

His eyes shut. The TV's light reflecting on his peacefully sleeping face. His golden hair a bit in between his eyes.

Kurt's knees are tucked up into his chest. His blanket completely around his frame. His breathing soft and relaxed.

Dave smiled a bit. He picks up the remote. Quietly he switched off the television.

Setting the remote back in it's place. He walks himself over to the couch. He knelt down to it. Using his hand to move Kurt's bangs.

Dirty blonde eyebrows furrowed themselves together. A small grunt left out of Kurt as he peaked his eyes open.

But it was now to dark to see. He is too exhausted. Too exhausted to speak, or do anything.

Dave kissed Kurt's head softly. Whispering, "It's okay Kurt. It's me, Dave."

Hearing this relaxed Kurt's anxiety. His eyes closed again. Dave felt his lips curl into a smile.

"Let's get you into bed." He muttered. Carefully picking up Kurt. He grunted softly, holding the blonde now bridal style.

A soft groan left out of Kurt. He opened his eyes again. "Mm..?" He hummed out in exhaustion. Too deeply sleepy to use his voice.

Dave made sure his hold was great. Which it is. His brown eyes gazed lovingly at the blonde in his arms.

"I'm taking you to bed." Dave muttered. Kurt shuts his eyes, once again. Seemingly not caring at this point.

The taller, more muscular drummer man walked himself out of the living room.

Holding the blonde close in his arms. Kurt's head sluggishly slides itself onto Dave's chest. His breathing soft.

Dave bit his lip as he quietly makes his way up the stairs. Kurt wasn't heavy at all for Dave. In fact, he is very easy to be carried.

Making it upstairs, Dave stopped in the hall. He gazed at the blonde with passion. Leaning his head down and kissing Kurt's forehead.

"Kurt?" Dave whispered. Kurt whined. He opened his eyes again. "muh..?" He croaked out. It didn't even sound like English.

Dave chuckled softly. "Want to sleep in my room?" He asked. Kurt didn't reply. His eyes just closed.

Rolling his brown eyes, he takes that as a yes. He walked himself with Kurt into his room.

Carefully, he laid Kurt on the bed. Picking up the pillow and placing it underneath Kurt's head.

He then crawled onto the other side with the blonde. He hesitated for a moment.

Then proceeded to wrap his arms around Kurt. He gently scooted himself close.

Kurt's head laid itself onto Dave's chest. His lips pursed for a moment as his eyes fluttered open.

"Thanks." Kurt croaked out finally a word. His tired gaze looking up at Dave.

Dave smiled and softly replied, "No problem."

The two closed their eyes and cuddled each other into a nice, warm, slumber.

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