3•Phone Call

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Fluff // intense kisses !!

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Kurt is currently on a business call with one of the producers for his band.  The landline cord dangling a bit on the floor. Phone placed onto Kurt's ear.

"Yeah, this is Cobain speaking." Kurt says as he fidgeted with the cord. Tangling it with his fingers. He hated the business calls. But they needed to be done. It's all part of the job.

"–Yeah, I can hear you." Kurt spoke once he was asked a question from the other end. He brushed some of his blonde hair out of his face.

Footsteps started to walk down the steps in the tiny apartment that Kurt shared with his boyfriend Dave Grohl. Also the drummer of the band: Nirvana.

Dave noticed Kurt was standing in the kitchen. Phone in hand. This made Dave pout a little. But a sneaky idea came crawling up his head.

His lips curled into a smirk as he made his steps more quiet. Kurt didn't realize. He is too busy with the phone call.

"No.. we were thinking about starting the tour next Tuesday. Not tomorrow." Kurt grumbled into the phone. He sounded annoyed. How could they get the dates wrong?

Dave noticed the annoyed expression on his boyfriends face. Seeing the frontman stressed. He strolled himself over.

His arms snaked themselves around Kurt's waist. Kurt gripped the phone tighter. Realizing who's muscular arms those are.

Dave's lips curled into a smirk as he mouthed to the frontman, 'keep talking.'

Kurt felt his face heat up with a sudden blush as he nodded his head.

"No–No, you got it all wrong. We are supposed to go to Rome on that day. Then travel back to the states."He explained into the phone.

Dave's lips planted themselves onto Kurt's neck. Kurt stifled a breath as his cheeks heated up with more blush. Completely scarlet red now.

The brunet started to leave little kisses on Kurt's neck. Kurt started to get distracted. He tried to keep his breathing stabilized. So he can focus on the call.

But his breathing started to hitch and get shaky from the sudden pleasure he felt from the neck kisses from Dave.

Dave whispered onto Kurt's neck. "Easy baby..don't break on me. Focus on the call."

Kurt huffed as he cleared his throat. "Oh what? Yeah I'm...fine. Just a little under the weather." He told the other line. Trying to make a good excuse on why his breathing shaked.

Dave started to suck on a little spot of Kurt's neck. The skin there began to darken into a purple.

"S–.." Kurt paused and faked a cough. His other hand going up into Dave's hair and gripping onto it making the drummer grin.

Dave's head is buried into Kurt's neck now. Leaving multiple little marks there. Hickeys.

Kurt stuttered out in the phone call. "You know what.. I'm g–g..going to have to call you b..b–baaaHck." Dave grinned, knowing he won.

Leaving another rather larger mark on Kurt's pale neck. "Remember, next Tuesday. Yeah, tell everyone else. I'm sick. Bye." His voice got annoyed as he slammed the phone down.

It hung up.

"Damnit, Dave!" Kurt groaned in embarrassment as he turned around to face his boyfriend.

Dave rested his hands on Kurt's hips. "What?~ It was the perfect opportunity! Besides, you look so damn hot."

Kurt sighed and rolled his eyes. "I was on a stupid business call." He whined out and wrapped his arms around Dave's neck.

Dave faked a pout and picked up Kurt. "My poor baby.." he dramatically muttered as he started to leave little kisses to Kurt's jawline.

He carried Kurt to the couch. Holding him as he sits down. Kurt on Dave's lap.

"But least I saved you from that annoyance of a call, huh babe?" Dave whispered onto Kurt's ear. He smirked.

His hand went up to feel the marks that are littered acrossed Kurt's neck. "you better hope these go away by time our tour starts next week...~"

Kurt whined and gently smacked Dave's hand away. "Shut up! Youre the ones that left them." He pouted.

Dave leaned in and kissed Kurt's cheek. "But don't you love being marked by me? Knowing that you're all mine? And nobody else's." He whispered huskily into Kurt's ear.

Kurt felt his face warm up with the familiar blush. He huffed out an exhale and nodded his head. "Y–yes, I do." He mumbled.

Dave raised an eyebrow. His lips make their way down from Kurt's jawline, to neck, and now his collarbone.

"What's that?~ I didn't quite catch that~" Dave muttered as he left little kisses.

Kurt tangled his hands into Dave's greasy brown hair. He gripped onto it and yanked Dave's head upwards.

He smashed his lips onto Daves. Dave imediantly returned the kiss. They kissed for a few minutes. Savoring their love before they pulled back.

"I said," Kurt whispered as he kissed Dave's cheek. "-I love being yours." Dave grinned. "Still can't hear you~" he teased on.

Kurt groaned. "God, damn!" He grabbed onto Dave's cheeks. Cupping them in his hands as he stared deeply into Dave's brown eyes.

"I love being yours and being marked by you!" Kurt raised his voice a little now. Once he realized, he shuts his mouth. Feeling his heartbeat increase from embarrassment and blush.

Dave smirked. He chuckled and watched as Kurt's hands flop themselves into his lap.

Dave placed his own hands back onto Kurt's hips. He rubbed them affectionately as he leaned forward.

He whispered onto Kurt's ear,


He then leaned back. Kurt leaned himself forward, resting his head now onto Dave's chest.

Dave kept a firm yet gentle grip on Kurt's boney hips. "Hey Davey?" Kurt mumbled.

Dave kissed Kurt's head. "Yeah, baby?"

"I love you." Kurt mumbled. He lifted his head. Dave leaned in. They pecked each other's lips. Much more gentle.

"I love you too, Kurt." Dave replied.

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