10•Feeding Frances

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Kurt is sitting with his baby girl in his arms on the couch. A bottle in his hands.

Frances babbled happily. Her tiny hands reaching out for the bottle. Kurt smiled. "Awh, is my baby hungry?" He asked.

He guided the bottle carefully into Frances's mouth. Her little hands take a hold of it as she begins to eat.

Dave entered the house. Lightly shutting the door behind himself. Kurt lifted his head and looked over at the door. Noticing Dave.

"Hi Dave!" He greeted as he looked away.  "Hi." Dave mumbled as he takes a seat on the couch.

He looked at Frances. "And hello to you too." Her blue eyes glanced over but focused on eating.

Kurt smiled. "Aren't I lucky?" He leaned his head down and kissed his child's head.

"Where's Courtney?" Dave decided to ask. Noticing the woman is nowhere to be seen. Kurt scoffed as he lifted his head.

"She left for her tour. Uhm, so it's just been me here, looking after Frances." Kurt responded.

The bottle accidentally came out of Frances's mouth. She started to get fussy. Kurt imediantly noticed.

"Oopsie..I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Kurt apologized softly as he carefully puts the bottle back. Frances cooed.

Dave watched the two in awe. His eyes reflecting love. 'He's such a good father.' He thought to himself.

"There we go, the food train. Choochoo." Kurt joked and laughed softly. Crossing one of his legs over the other as he held Frances with one arm, the other feeding her.

Dave smiled as he leaned forward. Using his pointer finger and lightly brushes the baby's cheek.

Kurt watched as a small grin rises to his face. Frances suddenly pushed the bottle out. "Oh? Are we done, now?" Kurt asked as he handed Dave the empty bottle.

"Put this on the coffee table, there." Kurt mumbled. Dave nodded. He placed the bottle on the mini table.

Kurt shifted as he held Frances leaning forward. A hand holding her by her chest. "We gotta burp you. Yeah." He spoke quietly.

Dave chuckled as he watched the two. Kurt started to lightly pat Frances's back. "C'mon, c'mon."

She made a little burp noise after a bit. Kurt mimicked it and then laughed. Carefully shifting his body and how he held her.

"Sorry, I'm sorry." Kurt apologized again as she laid in her father's arms. A bit of formula leaked out of her lips.

"And you puked a little, haha." Kurt used the little blanket that is wrapped around Frances and wiped her mouth. "There we go, my little Bean.."

"You're such a a great dad." Dave spoke up after watching the two for a moment. Kurt chuckled, "Oh I try to be." He replied.

Dave smiled as he glanced at Frances. "She has your eyes, Kurt." Kurt leaned his head down, he looked at her eyes. "Oh you do, pretty and blue."

Frances smiled once her father got close. Kurt imediantly returned the smile. "Yeah! Hi, baby. Hi!" Dave felt his heart swell up from how adorable this is.

"Do you want to hold her, Dave?" Kurt asked. Dave went awestruck for a moment. He stuttered out. "Oh-uh,Y-yeah!"

Kurt smiled as he carefully handed Frances over to Dave. Dave held onto Frances carefully.

"Hi." Dave greeted to the baby now in his arms. Frances cooed and babbled. Chewing on her little hand.

Kurt leaned his head down and kissed his daughters cheek. "Daddy loves you.." Frances imediantly smiled.

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