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Angst// TW: Arguing, heavy cussing, mood swings, poor self image, talking bad about oneself, alcohol use.

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"Shut the fuck up!" Kurt shouted as he threw a vodka bottle. It smashed on the floor.

Dave watched his boyfriend with sadness in his eyes. "Hon..what's bothering you?" He asked in worry.

Kurt felt tears sting up in his eyes. "Nothing." Dave got up from the kitchen table. He scoffed gently. "I know that's a lie."

Kurt is a very moody person. His cerulean blue eyes rolled as he crossed his arms.

"Nothing is wrong! Why the fuck would you think something is?!" He shouted in a fit of drunk rage.

"Baby.." Dave trailed off as he walked over. He placed his hands onto Kurt's shoulders.

Kurt shoved Dave's hands back. Which made Dave's heart ache. "Don't touch me!" The frontman sneered.

He started to go upstairs. Dave sighed.  "Kurt!? Tell me what's bothering you, please!" He pleaded.

Kurt screamed back. "NO!" as he went upstairs. The bathroom door slamming shut.

Dave teared up. Feeling tears rolling down his face as he quietly cleaned up the smashed bottle's mess.


Kurt stared at himself in the reflection of the mirror. "I'm so fucking ugly." He muttered to his reflection. Tears rolling down his face.

"Dave doesn't deserve me, he deserves someone much better."

"Why does he love, me?"

"I probably hurt him."

"I'm horrible."

Kurt sniffled as he slides down and sits on the bathroom floor. He hugged his knees. Tears rolling down his cheeks.

Dave finished cleaning the mess as he walked himself upstairs. He hopes Kurt is not as pissed, now.

He walked himself to the bathroom. He knocked the door softly. "Kurt, babe?" He muttered.

Kurt hugged his knees tighter. Hearing Dave's voice. He did not reply. Dave sighed as he turned the door knob.

Luckily it was unlocked. Dave entered. Seeing his boyfriend crying. Dave frowned and crouched down.

He knelt down and imediantly sat. He guided Kurt's head to his chest. Petting the blondes greasy locks.

"Why..? I'm an idiot." Kurt cried out as Dave continued to pet his hair. "Oh, baby. No, no you're not."

Kurt sniffled as he shifted himself closer. "Yes I am, I made you upset!"He screamed out with a few drunken sobs afterwards.

Dave shakes his head. He placed his hands onto Kurt's cheeks. He cupped them. "Babe, listen to me. Okay?" He says sternly.

Kurt went quiet. Dave sighed with a small smile. "You're beautiful. Come up. Stand up, c'mon." He urged as he helped Kurt stand.

Kurt turned his head. He couldn't look at his reflection. Dave frowned. "Baby.." he muttered as he wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. "Look at yourself, please."

The frontman shakes his head. Tears threatening to spill once again. "Please? It's important." Dave whispered as he is hugging Kurt now from behind.

Kurt hesitantly lifted his head. He looked at his reflection. Tears pooled out of his eyes.

Dave smiled a bit. He leaned his head down and left small kisses to Kurt's neck.

Kurt blushed as his drunken state stared at the bathroom mirror. Dave moved his head back.

"Listen, okay?" He whispered into Kurt's ear. The blonde nodded. Dave stared at the reflection with Kurt.

"You're so handsome. Look at you, you make excellent music and art. You're with, me. You're so cute. Sweet. Kind. Such a gentle soul. I love you so much." He comforted Kurt as he left small kisses to Kurt's jawline and cheek.

Kurt felt his heart flutter. "You mean that?.." Dave nodded. "Of course! Don't let these Insecurities get to you."

Kurt turned around. He hugged Dave. "Thank you..thank you." He cried out. Dave lifted Kurt up.

Kurt gasped softly as Dave carried him out of the bathroom. He walked down the hall. He entered Kurt's bedroom.

He gently plopped Kurt on the bed. He tucked Kurt in. Dave sits on the side of the bed. He moved some hair out of Kurt's face.

"You're so fucking cute!" Dave cried out in love as he cupped Kurt's cheeks. Kurt blushed. His heart fluttered. His stomach twisted with butterflies.

"Even when I'm drunk?!" He shouted out and laughed. Tears rolling down his face. Dave leaned his head down and kissed Kurt's tears away.

"Yes, babe." He murmured. "Cutest man in the fucking world. So pure and adorable." Dave swooned as he laid beside Kurt.

"Now, you need to get to bed. " He acknowledged to the blonde. Kurt pouted. He scooted himself close.

His breath smelled like alcohol. Dave takes in the scent and simply smiled. "My baby." He muttered and cuddled the blonde.

"Yours?" Kurt shyly muttered out. Dave nodded his head instantly. "Of course, my baby." Kurt smiled and giggled tiredly.

His eyelids came to a close. Dave snuggled Kurt close. "Hey Kurt?" He whispered.

"Mm?" Kurt hummed on the verge of falling asleep now. The alcohol making him exhausted.

"I love you." Dave says.

Kurt felt his lips curl into a small grin.

"I love you too."

Dave shuts off the light and fell asleep with his alcohol intoxicated boyfriend.

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