20•Addiction (1)

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Angst comfort//
TW: drug substance abuse used and discussed about in details. You've been warned.

Dave has Kurt held in his arms. Carefully walking with the blonde upstairs.

"Hey, let's get you to your room, Kurt." Dave muttered. Kurt is trembling feverishly. His forehead slicked with sweat.

He panted shakily as he groaned. His cheeks flushed. Dave frowned. "Did you have any alcohol?" He mumbled.

Kurt barely heard. He shifted his head onto Dave's shoulder as they slowly walk up the stairs.

His breathing very staggered and heavy. "What.. what did you say?" Kurt panted out. His mind slowly begining to feel lightheaded and spinny.

"I asked if you had any alcohol." Dave repeated. Stopping at the top stair, holding the blonde.

Kurt blinked. "Mm..no." He slurred his speech. Dave sighed. "We're almost to your room. Hold on.."

As they started to sluggishly walk down the hall. Kurt's face turned a few shades paler. Dave noticed. He widened his eyes.

Kurt whimpered. "Not gonna..make it." Dave sighed, "Okay. Okay." He mumbled.

He guided Kurt to the hallways wall. They both leaned against it. Kurt's head laid into Dave's lap. Sitting on the floor now.

He softly groaned. Dave ran a hand into Kurt's hair. He started to pet it. "When did you started feeling like this?" He asked.

Kurt blinked his eyes again. Much slower. Trying so hard to stay awake.
"Like twenty minutes ago."

Dave looked down at Kurt with worry. "Did you do any drugs at all? Like.." He hesitates before saying, "..Heroin?"

Kurt broke into tears after this was mentioned. Dave noticed the tears. He frowned. Using the pad of his thumb to wipe the tears away.

"I'm not mad, Kurt. It's okay. You used, Heroin?  I just wanted to make sure." Dave asked again softly.

Kurt blinked his tears away. Keeping his head laying on Dave's lap. His body trembling. Goosebumps across his covered striped shirt's sleeved arms.

"A little." Kurt replied. Dave furrowed his eyebrows. "How much is 'a little.', Kurt?"

Kurt closed his eyes. "I don't want to..." He panted heavily before opened his eyes. "..To..to..." He fell quiet. His pupils are dilated.

Dave listened closely. Feeling himself tear up as he held Kurt in his arms. Kurt cleared his throat. "..To talk about it anymore." He finally said after a moment.

"Kurt, we have to discuss about it." Dave slowly replied with. He brushed some hair out of Kurt's head. Feeling Kurt's forehead.

"Shit, you're warm." Dave muttered. Kurt sniffled as he panted still. "Why? You hate me, don't you?" He suddenly asked.

Dave widened his eyes. "What? No, No. I don't hate you. I'm worried." Kurt groaned softly. His hand raised and lightly shoved Dave's hand away from his sweating forehead.

He panted, like just that simple task used so much energy. He lowered his head. Gripping onto Dave's shirt.

Hiding his face into Dave's lap and stomach. He panted over and over. Like he was out of breath. Dave sets a hand on his back.

"Kurt, where is the rest of 'it'?" Dave hesitantly asked. He wished Krist was here, but it was only them two present in the apartment.

Kurt rolled over. Laying on his back once again. His head still on Dave's lap. His cerulean eyes wide and just staring up at the ceiling.

"Where?" Kurt asked out loud. His voice sounded crackily and ill. "Yes Kurt, where's your stash?" Dave hesitantly asked.

Kurt moved his jaw around as he giggled. He lifted his hand and wiped his forehead. He stuck his tongue out and licked his teeth oddly.

"Out." He responded with. Emphasizing the "Tch" sound.  Now his eyes darted themselves over to Dave. He sniffled a few times.

"So you only had one syringe?" Dave asked. Trying to stay calm in front of the doped male.

Kurt clicked his tongue and closed his mouth after that. He nodded. "One." He responded and shuts his eyes.

"Hey, hey. Kurt let's stay awake for me, okay?" Dave panicked a little. Brushing a hand onto Kurt's cheek.

He still felt warm. But not as feverish as before. Kurt heavily opened his eyelids. He stared up at Dave. "Sorry. I'm just tired." He replied.

"I know, I know. Did you use the entire syringe? Please be honest." Dave asked. The neck hairs on the back of his neck standing up from anxiety.

Kurt moved his jaw around again. Making it click as he scrunched up his nose. He then rubbed it before lowering his hand.

"What?" He asked. Like he didn't understand what Dave was asking. As if he didn't hear.

Dave sighed again, he repeated. "Did you use the entire syringe?" Kurt blinked. "I don't think so..." He trailed off.

The drummers hand lightly pulled up Kurt's right arm's sleeve. Seeing the puncture of the injection on the vein. He sighed heavily.

Noticing that it is bruising on Kurt's arm. He slowly pulled Kurt's sleeve back down. His head turned to look at Kurt's face.

Kurt's eyes are shut. Dave gasped as he shakes Kurt a bit. "Hey, Kurt. You okay? Still with me?"

Kurt's body jolted in surprise. He coughed and wiped his mouth. Shouting back, "What?! I'm not on drugs! I'm just fucking tired!"

"Yes you are, Kurt. And it's okay. You'll be just fine." Dave mumbled as he teared up. He started to pet Kurt's hair again.

"Mm." Kurt hummed as his body relaxed even more. He continued to pant softly but it was shaky.

Dave's other hand kept a hold of Kurt. Holding the man close as he stared deeply into Kurt's face.

"Where did you do this?" Dave asked. Kurt slowly lifted his gaze. "Like, the bathroom? Your room?" Dave further asked.

Kurt blinked. "Bathroom." He croaked out. Dave sighed. "And where's the syringe?" He asked, again.

"Probably..there." Kurt weakly replied as his eyes close. "I want to sleep." Dave bit the inside of his cheek. "Will you wake up?" He teared up.

Kurt didn't reply this time. He is out. Dave sniffled. "You will, you will wake up. Okay. Hopefully...." He carefully picked up Kurt's body.

Dave grunted softly as he carefully carried Kurt down the hallway to his bedroom. A tear dropped down Dave's face as he whispered.

"please be okay. please be okay."

KAVE: oneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now