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TW: Getting rid of syr1nge, immense worry and drugs talked about. Usage of  naltrexone  andHeavy cussing!!

Dave sets Kurt into the comfy bed. He moved some hair out of the blondes face. He leaned his head down. He kissed Kurts head.

Kurt's body is still passed out in the bed. He literally fainted from the drug usage.

"Please be okay. I'll be right back." Dave mumbled. He left the room quietly. He walked down the hall.

Reaching the bathroom. He hesitantly went inside. Turning the knob. He gasped and lifted his foot. He almost stepped on the syringe.

"Jesus fuck." Dave cussed out as he crouched. He carefully picked up the needle. "Damn it, Kurt."

He raised it up in the light. Looking at it, there was still some heroin left inside. Dave shakes his head in worry and disgust.

He walked over to the toilet. Breaking it apart carefully and pouring the rest of the drug into the toilet. Then threw the broken glass of the needle in the trash.

He flushed it down. Watching it go down, before he heard a hollar.


It was Kurt. Dave's eyes widen as he quickly left the bathroom. He dashed himself to Kurt's room. He entered.

"I'm here, I'm here." Dave panicked out as he went over. Kurt was halfway hanging out of the bed. His head dangling on the floor. Feet in the air.

Kurt laughed as his blue eyes looked around mindlessly for a moment. In a daze of feeling the high.

Dave sighed. Feeling relieved that Kurt didn't hurt himself. He carefully helped Kurt back into the bed.

"You gotta rest in here. You're all faded and dazed." Dave muttered. Kurt rolled his head side to side on his pillow.

He blinked several times. Trying to get the exhaustion out but he couldn't. His trembling hands went up. He brushed them onto Dave's cheeks.

"You," Kurt paused as he continued to brush his shaky hands on Dave's cheeks. Dave felt his face warm up a bit.

It was a bad time. But he couldn't help it. "hm?" Dave hummed, watching the blondes actions.

Kurt smiled and giggled. Licking his lips as he blinked rapidly for a moment. Then stared at Dave with wide eyes.

"You, worry." Kurt slurred out after a moment. His hands fell back onto the bed. "OW!" He screamed, even though it didn't hurt at all.

Dave sat on the bed. He brushed Kurt's hair away from his face. "It's okay, the bed is soft. Please be careful, next time.."

"Okay, okay. I'm sorry." Kurt croaked out. Dave guided the frontman's head to his lap.

Kurt laid his head onto Dave's lap. "Mm, soft." He clicked his jaw around. Then reached his hand up. He started to pick at the skin on the side of his face.

"No, no. Let's not do that." Dave mumbled and carefully moved Kurt's hand away. Kurt whined out, "Sorry! Sorry!"

Dave hushed him. "Shh, it's okay. I'm not mad. Just keep your hands down." Kurt cried out. "It's suddenly fucking itchy, man! I'm fucking itchy!"

"Here." Dave whispered as he lowered his hands to the back of Kurt's ears. With his hands he started to leave little head scratches.

Circular motions and very soft scratches. Kurt stopped freaking out. He relaxed again. "It..it's leaving. It's going byeeeaaah." Kurt mumbled.

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