27•Pinned Up

363 11 3

Fluff // intense kisses <3


Kurt is walking down the hall. A book opened in his hands. He is rather focused on reading at this moment.

His converse shoes walked in a calm motion. Dave exited out of his room, shirtless. He looked over to notice the blonde.

His lips curled into a smirk. This was his perfect chance. Dave walked himself over.

Swiftly, Dave pinned Kurt's arms up to the nearby wall. His body pressed against the smaller, frailer, blonde.

The book that was previously in Kurt's hands dropped to the floor. Kurt audibly gasped in shock.

His face turned red as he eyed Dave's chest and then slowly lifted his gaze up to Dave's eyes.

"H–Hi..Dave." Kurt squeaked out. Dave smirked and leaned his head close. "Hi baby." He whispered.

Dave bit his lip softly as he left a little kiss to Kurt's jawline. Kurt squirmed a bit and smiled. "What, Davey?" He asked.

"Don't move, Kurt." Dave whispered into the blondes ear. His lips lightly grazed onto Kurt's neck. He placed his hot lips there.

Kurt whimpered softly. His cheeks red and rosy. His stomach doing flips with butterflies. His lips lightly parted.

Dave slowly moved his hands off of Kurt's wrists. Keeping his body pressed up against the blonde.

Their hands tangled themselves into each other in a soft hold. Dave left a little mark on Kurt's neck while is hands held onto the blondes.

Kurt squeezed Dave's hands as he gasped out, "Dave..!" Dave grinned as he slowly pulled back. Eyeing the hickey he left with a smirk.

"What, baby?" Dave asked lowly. Kurt panted softly and smiled. "You got me."

Dave leaned his head close to Kurt's. He raised an eyebrow. "I did?" He grinned. Kurt shyly nodded his head.

His blue eyes staring at Dave's lips. He licked his own and bit them. Dave softly chuckled, "What do you want, Kurty?"

Kurt bit his lip again. He leaned his body close. "I-i want.." He stuttered out, the air getting tense in between the two.

Both of the men's faces are shades of crimson, soft yet heavy breathing left their lips.

"Hm? What is it?" Dave urged on as a smirk rises up on the corners of his mouth.

"Kiss me." Kurt ghosted onto Dave's lips. He extracted his hands back. Dave imediantly takes a hold of Kurts wrists with one hand.

He firmly pinned Kurt back to the wall. "Oh I'll kiss you, just don't run away." Dave sneered into Kurt's ear. Kurt giggled, "I won't, I won't."

Being this close with Dave, made Kurt fall even more for the brunet. He bit his lip as he turned his head to look at the drummer.

Dave leaned in. He smashed his lips onto Kurt's. Kurt softly groaned into the kiss. He returned it.

They both kissed deeply and passionately. Their body's pressed up against the wall. Dave caged Kurt.

He pulled back with a loud smack, the two men panted as they stared at each other.

"Holy shit.." Kurt muttered as he panted. Dave let's go of Kurt's wrists. Kurt lowered his arms and looked at them.

They are bruised.

Dave noticed and went wide eyed. "Oh I'm sorry honey! I didn't mean to be so hard.." He apologized, looking at the frontman. Guilt imediantly coated his gaze.

Kurt looked at his thin, boney now- bruised wrists. He smiled timidly and lifted his gaze to look at Dave.

Dave stepped back. He looked panicked. He sat on the floor. Holding his head in his hands. "Fuck, damn it...damn it. Damn it." He spat out in a panic.

Kurt sat beside Dave. He pulled the drummer close and into a soft hug. "Baby, it's okay. You just don't know your own strength. I'm not hurt. You didn't hurt me. I didn't notice. It's okay."

Dave felt his eyes sting with tears. He hugged Kurt back. Being as gentle as he can with his muscled arms. "You're just so fragile..I'll be careful next time. I'm sorry, so fucking sorry."

Kurt laughed softly as he pulled back. He cupped Dave's face with a smile rising on his face. "You worry too much."

A tear drops off Dave's cheek. He bit his trembling lip. "What..? No! I just don't want to hurt you." Kurt laughed softly, again.

He rubbed his nose softly onto Dave's nose. This caused the drummers tears to dry. His heart fluttered. His cheeks warmed up.

Kurt moved his hands and wrapped them around the drummers neck. He scooted himself close. He kissed Dave with softness and passion.

Dave returned the kiss. Kurt pulled back and played with the back of Dave's head. Feeling the dark brown hair in between his fingers.

"I love you." Kurt muttered softly. Dave felt himself smile. The two sitting on the floor in the hall.

"I love you, too." Dave replied. "Now..may I see your wrists?" He asks.
Kurt pulled his arms back.

Opening his palms, he held his hands out to Dave. Showing the small bruises on Kurt's wrists. They are a light purple and small.

Dave takes a hold of Kurts hand. Kurt felt his face warm up. "what are you...?" He trailed off.

Dave kissed Kurt's wrists softly. Kissing the bruises as he squeezed Kurt's hands lightly.

He then lifted his head. He pecked Kurt's cheek. Kurt felt himself smile. He giggled happily.

The two brought themselves into a nice loving embrace. Lightly squeezing each other for a moment before pulling back.

Kurt extended his arm and picked up his book. Dave sat with his back against the wall now.

Kurt sat himself into Dave's lap. Holding the book and opening it back to the page he was previously reading.

His back lightly pressed against Dave's bare chest. Dave has his arms around the blonds waist.

Kurt is reading quietly while being held by Dave.

Loving their presences with each other.

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