14•"Give Me Attention!"

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Fluff // slight intimacy moments! // Intense kisses!!

Dave is focused on watching a movie downstairs. His legs loosely spread out as he relaxed further into the couch.

It's about 5pm in the evening. Krist was sitting in the rocking chair across the room. A magazine in his hands.

Kurt walked himself down the stairs. A loose gray sweater on himself with his pajama plaid pants that he's been wearing for the past few days.

He did not care. Since, the band is on a break for a little while. Krist gazed up from his pages once Kurt came into the room.

"Hi, Kurt." Krist greeted. This caused Dave to turn his head. Imediantly smiling once the blonde entered.

Krist noticed the two and chuckled. Looking back down at the magazine in his hands.

Kurt sat on the couch. Right next to Dave. "What are you doing?" Kurt asked to Dave. Dave sighed looked back at the TV screen.

"Nothing much, just watching a movie." Dave replied. Kurt hummed. But pouted once Dave looked away.

He was craving attention from the drummer. Kurt smiled and poked Dave. Dave turned his head and imediantly returned the smile.

"Yes?"Dave said. Kurt shifted himself shyly closer. Krist glanced up. "I think Mister Cobain wants some attention from ya, Dave." He teased.

Dave raised an eyebrow with a smile. "Is that true, babe? Do you want some attention?" He asked to his boyfriend.

Kurt started to feel himself get shy. His cheeks warmth up with blush. Krist got up and shuts the magazine. He went over and ruffled Kurt's hair.

Dave glared at Krist with a pinch of jealousy. Krist only smiled and spoke up. "I'll be upstairs, you two love birds."

"Bye!" Kurt beamed with a giggle. Krist went upstairs. Dave rolled his eyes and pulled Kurt up into his lap.

Kurt gasped as he was lifted and sat onto Dave's lap. He giggled. Dave wasn't even watching the movie now. Rather, he is paying attention to the boy in his arms now.

He held Kurt close to him. Kurt laid his head. Right onto Dave's chest. A little smile on his face.

Dave started to rub Kurt's back. "Awww. You're so cute! You wanted all this attention, and now you're shy. It's cute." He complimented.

Kurt whined out from feeling flustered. Dave's hand went into Kurt's hair and started to twirl it with his fingers.

"I love you, baby." Dave says as he leaned his head down. He kissed Kurts head. Kurt smiled. "I love you." He replied.

"Okay, i– have to get up." Dave suddenly said. He wanted a drink. Preferably booze.

Kurt pouted. He held onto Dave tighter. "noo! I want attention!" He whined out. Dave chuckled softly.

"Babyyy, I'll be right back." Dave replied and kissed Kurts head. He was trying to sit up. But failed.

Kurt straddled himself onto Dave's lap. Dave face burned with blush now. He bit his lip as he eyed up at Kurt.


Kurt giggled. "What?" He leaned in close. Glancing at Dave's lips. Dave's face burned with blush.

"You're..super, close!" The drummer squeaked out. Kurt smirked. "I told you I wanted attention." He huskily whispered.

He pressed his lips onto Dave's lips. Dave returned the kiss and pulled back. He rested his hands on Cobain's hips.

"You're so damn hot, you know that?" Dave growled into Kurt's ear as he flipped them over. Now Dave is hovering onto Kurt.

Kurt gasped and his hair swayed from the sudden movement. His back hit the soft comfy couch. Dave on top.

Dave pushed his own brown hair back. He leaned his down and started to kiss Kurt's neck.

Kurt whimpered. Biting his lips to keep himself quiet. He raised his hands up and tangled them into Dave's brown locks.

Dave sucked a part of Kurt's neck. It started to darken the skin. Turning a bit purple and a light shade of brown. Almost caramel colored.

The drummers brown eyes darkened as he pulled his head back. Looking at the mark and then he smirked.

Kurt panted heavily from keeping his sounds silenced. His lips parted as he shyly looked up at Dave.

Dave grinned. He leaned back down and kissed Kurt. Kurt whined softly into the kiss and returned it.

"You're hard." Dave whispered into Kurt's ear. Kurt suddenly gasped and shoved Dave back.

Dave fell back on the couch and bursted out laughing. Kurt crossed his legs and huffed. "Shut the fuck up!" He shouted in embarrassment.

Dave was right.

Kurt crossed his arms as well. Turning his head to avoid eye contact with the brunet.

"What?? Babe, you wanted attention. So I gave you plenty. Didn't I?" Dave teased with a smug smile rising on his face.

Kurt whined as he picked up the couch cushion. He tossed it at Dave. But Dave caught it in his hands. He tossed it to the floor and tackled Kurt.

Kurt laughed as the couple fell off the couch. Now holding each other on the floor. the drummer on top of Kurt once again.

"I love you, cute shitstain." Dave sneered out happily. A grin remained on his face. Kurt laughed as he leaned up.

He kissed Dave's lips. Dave returned the kiss. Kurt pulled back.

"Go on, get yourself the drink." Kurt spoke softly as he gazed lovingly into Dave's eyes.


Kurt raised an eyebrow. "Nah?" He asked. Dave smashed his lips back onto Kurt's. They kissed for a moment.

Kurt pulled back. "I thought you were thirsty?" He asked. Dave shakes his head. "I'm okay now. Full of your love and attention." Dave flirted back.

Kurt whined as Dave lifted him up. Holding the blonde bridal style as he takes a seat back on the couch. "you're so damn cute."

"I'm not cute!" Kurt barked back. Dave chuckled. He moved Kurt's blonde hair away. Exposing the mark on his neck. Dave planted a large kiss to the spot.

Kurt shuddered a bit once he felt the warm kiss. He grinned and giggled softly.

Dave wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist. Holding him in his lap. He buried his face into Kurt's neck.

Leaving little kisses. Kurt giggled as he turned his head to look at the TV. "Hon, I'm trying to watch the movieeeee."

The drummer pouted. "But now I want   attention." He spoke. Kurt laughed and turned his head. He pecked Dave's lips.

Before Dave could return the kiss, Kurt pulled away and left little kisses onto Dave's jawline.

Dave rubbed Kurt's hips affectionately. He glanced at Kurt's, thighs.

One of his hands shimmered themselves down. He placed a hand there. Rubbing Kurt's plaid pajama pant covered thigh.

Kurt felt himself blush again. He leaned back in and pecked Dave's lips. Dave returned the kiss.

Then, the drummer pulled back. Smiling warmly at the frontman. Kurt returned the smile.

Kurt then turned his head back to the TV screen. His head laying on Dave's chest. Dave rubbing Kurt's thigh affectionately.

"I love you." Dave whispered into Kurts ear. Kurt smiled he replied. "I love you, too."

The couple went quiet and watched the movie together.

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