12•Mood Swings

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Angst comfort// TW: arguing, heavy cussing, mentioned about Kurt's childhood, and mentioning heavy drugs.


Kurt has himself hiding in his room. He wanted to avoid everyone. The tour has came to it's close after a few weeks. And he hasn't really talked to anybody since.

Dave on the other hand is really worried for the blonde headed male. Kurt hardly came out to eat. But occasionally will grab a bottle of water but most of the time it'll be alcohol.

He really wishes the frontman is ok. Sighing with exhaustion, Dave sets his own brown bottle of booze down on the table.

He barely sipped out of it. He wasn't motivated necessarily to get hardcore wasted. But, it was more of an emotional distress drink.

Krist went out with Shelli soon as the tour ended. So it has only been Dave and Kurt at the apartment.

The drummer rises out of the wooden chair that he was sitting at. His fingers lightly drummed on the table as he furrowed his eyebrows.

He needed to check on Kurt. Making up his mind with a slight nod. He left the kitchen. His legs walking himself to the stairs.

Quickly he trotted up them. Maybe Kurt was fine and he didn't have to worry? But this didn't seem like Kurt. Isolated for days at a time. It made Dave feel lonely. He knew Kurt must've started to feel this way too.

Down the hall, Dave walked. His feet stopped once he reached Kurt's door. The wood had cracks and it looked like the cracks had some dried colored acrylic paint on them.

A hand raised and Dave softly knocked on the door. Kurt heard it. He groaned - almost in anger - but it was more depressing than anything.

A syringe resting in his fingertips. He did not reply. Just sitting on his bed with it. He did not inject it. He just stared. His blue eyes gazing at the substance almost with a lust.

But it was more of an exhaustion. Dave sighed on the outside. He knocked again. Kurt lifted his head.

He stared at the door now. A pissed expression of anger now on his face. "What?!" He shouted.

Dave spoke up. "Kurt..can I come in?" He shakily asked, almost in a whimper. Kurt heard the drummers voice. He twirled the syringe in between his finger tips.

"Why." Kurt numbly asked. His gaze still remained looking at the door. His knees tucked up. Sitting on the corner of his bed.

"Because I want to see you." Dave replied. His heart wrenchingly aching. Kurt slowly looked away from the door. He gazed at the syringe again.

"I'm busy."

Dave furrowed his eyebrows once heard that. Then, it clicked in his head. He widened his brown eyes. "Kurt." He spoke out the others name.

"What." Kurt replied. Just staring at the syringe. Looking at the junk that is filled inside. His jaw moving around as it clicked quietly.

"I'm coming in." Dave warned. But Kurt didn't answer. The door opened. Dave felt himself tear up.

Witnessing the substance resting on Kurt's fingers. Syringe still is full. It hasn't been used. He quickly walked himself over.

He yanked it out of Kurt's hand. Kurt snapped his head over. Looking at Dave with anger. "I wasn't doing anything!" Kurt sneered.

"Likely story!" Dave snapped back as he gripped the syringe tightly in his hand. He couldn't believe this! Kurt was about to relapse.

Dave walked himself out of Kurt's room. Kurt dragged himself out of his bed. His body hurting so bad.

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