29•Living Off Of Grass

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Fluff¿? - Disclaimer: usage of marijuana detailed on how prepared !


A bong is resting in Kurt's hand. Watching how Dave slides down the bathroom floor.

But the two enjoyed it their presences. Kurt giggled softly as he digs his hand into the little ziplock bag.

Feeling the flowery-buds in between his fingertips. Before he handed Dave the bong. "Fill her up with water. We gotta get her ready."

Dave grunted as he sat up. Feeling the crave to use Maryjane even more now. He takes the bong and gets up. Filling it with tap water.

Kurt picks up the grinder and weed that were resting side-side. He sets in a few buds into the grinder. His cerulean gaze watching what he's doing.

Dave handed back the bong. Kurt nodded as he takes it. Lightly biting his lip as he prepared the bowl in his hands.

Dave sat by Kurt. Their backs pressed up against the bathrooms tub. "Is it ready?" Dave asked, desperately.

"Almost." Kurt replied with a soft laugh. Continuing to prepare it with his hands. The two took in the scent.

Smiles resting on their faces, Kurt picks up the lighter. "I prepared it, I get the first hit."  Dave whined. "But-"

"Haha, shut up." Kurt replied and flicks on the lighter. He deeply inhaled as he placed his lips to the bong.

Then pulled his head back and proceed to cough out the smoke. Dave looked over. A smile resting on his face.

"Let me hit that." Dave reached out and takes the bong out of Kurt's hand. Kurt laughed softly.

Then, it went back and forward like this. The two men hitting the bong for a good twenty minutes or so.

Kurt is completely stoned. He laughed as Dave takes his last hit. He coughed as sets the bong down. A few feet away from the two.

Kurt laughed. "Dave, c'mere." Dave turned his head as he placed the bong down. "I'm coming." He replied. His eyes having a red hue, just like Cobain's.

"Not fast enough." Kurt croaked out in response. Dave takes a seat next to the blonde.

Kurt giggled as his body slides down. He laid his head onto Dave's lap. A smile resting on his face. "Feel it?" He asked.

Dave smiled as he leaned his head down. He pecked Kurt's blonde greasy head. "I feel it." He replied.

"Good.. it feels so nice!" Kurt beamed and held his arms out. Laughing as he stared up at Dave. "Look at me! Look at me!"

Dave started to laugh. "You're stoned." Kurt grunted as he lifted his head. He leaned his face close.

"No, you're stoned." Dave sneered back a response. Kurt rolled on his back.

His head still laying on Dave's lap. A grin rising on his face. "What?!" Dave broke into a fit of laughter.

"Fuck, you're hot. You know that?" Dave blurted out. Kurt's laughter came to a halt.

His stoned eyed stared up at Dave. Dave leaned his head down. "Sit up, sit up." He whispered.

Kurt sat himself up. His body even closer to Dave. The drummer wrapped his arms around Kurt's waist.

He pulled Kurt onto his lap. Their stoned eyes staring at each other. Smiles breaking onto their faces.

"What? What? What?" Kurt said over and over. Giggling afterwards, his nose scrunched up.

Dave leaned his head close. He brushed his nose onto Kurt's. Kurt erupted into a fit of giggles.

He was about to fall back but Dave caught him with his larger hand.
Kurt has his back leant into Dave's hand.

"Fucking cute." Dave sneered with a smirk rising up on his face. Kurt rolled his eyes. "Oh shut up, you weed-whacker."

The two erupted into laughter. Dave moved his hand. Kurt fell onto the ground.

He gasped out a laugh as Dave hovered himself over the blonde. Now being on top.

The two calmed their laughter. Biting their lips as they stared at each other.

"I feel like I'm in the clouds..." Kurt vocal fried before giggled. Dave hummed. He ran a hand through his long brown hair, pushing it back.

He leaned his body down more. Caging Kurt to the floor. "I feel,...like I'm flying." Dave replied.

The two grinned at each other. Giggling left their lips for a moment before the drummer placed his lips onto Kurt's.

Kurt returned the kiss, instantly. Their lips moving in sync slowly for a moment before Dave pulled back with a small smack.

"Holy shit." Kurt panted out. Dave bit his lip as a smirk rising to his face. "Yeah? Felt great, didn't it?"

Kurt arched his back up, leaning his body up more as he placed his lips back onto Dave's.

Dave returned the kiss and pulled Kurt up. Holding the blonde in his arms as he straddled him. Kurt straddled himself on Dave's lap.

He pulled back from the kiss, his cheeks tinted red. "Oh feels fucking amazing." Kurt replied.

"Especially when stoned...mm?" Dave slurred as his lips grazed onto Kurt's jawline. Kurt tilted his head with a grin.

"We're still high?" Kurt croaked out the question. Then silence. Suddenly the two stared at each other.

The two howled in sudden laughter. Holding each other close as the sound of their laughter flooded the weed stenched bathroom.

"Fuck! I thought it wore off!" Dave wheezed out. Kurt shakes his head as he got all giddy. He lifted his head and stared at Dave. "Guess not!"

The two leaned in and smashed their lips together. Taking in the scents of each other. Their tongues stuck out and brushed against each other before Kurt pulled back.

"You're fucking, insane!" Kurt shouted out and then smiled. Dave hummed as he kissed Kurt's cheek. "you're stoned." He replied.

The two slide down on the bathroom floor. Staring up at the ceiling now. Hand-and-hand as they stared up.

"I'm gonna remember this." Kurt croaked out. Feeling his high slowly go down. Dave nodded in agreement.

"Forever a good memory." Dave hummed out. He pulled Kurt close and started to cuddle him.

Kurt giggled as he felt suddenly tired. His eyes coming to a close. "Living off of grassss..." He dragged out the 's' sound.

Dave kissed Kurt's head. "Mm, i love you baby." He confessed. Kurt has fallen asleep, however.

Dave noticed. He chuckled and picked up Kurt. His high has gone down. He carried Kurt out of the bathroom and into his bedroom.

He placed Kurt softly into the bed and covered him up. He leaned his head down and kissed Kurt's forehead.

"Have a good a rest." Dave mumbled with a small smile.

He then left the room, lightly shutting the door behind himself.

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