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TW: Heavy cussing,/slight emotional abuse, argumentative behaviors.


– Dave Grohl hated the woman so much with a burning passion. His brown eyes glimpse at the couple that are making out on the couch. He feels jealousy.

Kurt has his hands into Courtney's mangled blonde hair. His lips sealed to hers. Lipstick of red cherry smeared across the frontman's lips and cheek.

Her body resting onto Kurt's lap. His hands slowly going down and holding her hips as they continued to make out.

Dave balled up his fists. Sitting in the brown chair beside the couch. He gripped the magazine he is reading tightly in his hands. Trying to keep is enraged breathing quiet.

'Deserves so much better than her.' Dave thought as he watched them. His eyes narrowing at Courtney. Suddenly a loud smack from the couples lips flooded the room.

Kurt pulled back and panted. Dave quickly darted his gaze to the paper in his hands. "Where's Krist?" Kurt asked as Courtney began kissing her boyfriends neck.

"Out." Dave replied with a bitter taste. Courtney lifted her head. She looked at Dave. "What the hell are you doing here anyway?"

Dave scoffed. "I live here?" He said the obvious. Courtney rolled her eyes. She stood up.

Kurt tried to pull her back but her flirtation mood suddenly switched. She smacked Kurt's hand.

Dave bit the inside of his cheek. Watching her actions in pure hatred and worry now for the blonde man.

"What was that for..?" Kurt muttered and extracted his hand back. Placing his hands calmly in his lap.

She sat by Kurt. Pushing some of her hair back as she blinked her mascara covered lashes. "Aren't you going to say something, Pixie Meat?"

Kurt furrowed his eyebrows. He is confused. "What? What do you want me to say?"

Courtney groaned. "My god, you can be an idiot!" Dave slammed the magazine down on the coffee table.

"Hey! Don't call him that!" Dave scolded out to the woman. Courtney rolled her eyes.

Kurt darted his eyes to the ground. Numbly staring at the carpeted stained floor.

"Pixie meat! C'mon! Say something!" Courtney bellowed out and grabbed onto Kurt's head. Yanking it close before wrapping an arm around him.

Kurt hissed in pain once she did that. His eyes reflected emptiness now rather than the love and appreciation he had before.

"Say what? What the hell do you want me to say?" Kurt sneered. Looking at Courtney with his blue eyes.

Courtney roared out in anger, "Tell David to fuck off! Can't you understand that?! I thought it was suppose to be just the two of us! But nooo! You still have the fucking drummer here!"

Kurt sighed. "Babe, I didn't know Dave was still here when i called! Last I heard I thought he was going to leave with Krist!" He said, trying to defend himself.

Courtney suddenly got up. "You know what? I'm done with you. Your bullshit of stupid lies."

Kurt suddenly felt his heart began to break. "What..? Court, I'm sorry. What the fuck do you mean?"

The lead singer of Hole walked over to where her high heels are. She picked them up. She sighed.

"If you're just going to be an asshole and not defend me, what's the point of me being by your side? Kurt, I thought you loved me."

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