一: Wake Up To Reality

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Two toddlers jumped on their parents' bed, wanting to wake them up immediately. Today was the day, the day that they would see what their quirks were. Whenever someone turned 4, their parents would take them to a quirk doctor so they could see what their quirk was. And these two were no different, they both wanted to become heroes together and defeat villains.

One was a boy who had nice fair, but slightly pale skin, smooth to the touch and unmarked. His hair was skimpy and the color of ravens, a dark mix of black and blue. Even though it was spiky, it was smooth and soft. His eyes were an onyx black, dark and endless pool made into the window to his soul.

The other toddler, a younger girl, had lightly tanned skin. It had the considerate amount of baby fat that most children her age have, her brother having not as much, giving him more of a slightly toned look. Her hair was golden blond, like her fathers and straight, like her mothers straight hair. Her sky blue eyes shined like the sun with childlike innocence and joy.

"Otōsan! Okāsan!*Wake up! Wake up! Today we get to see what our quirks are! Wake up!" The two young children exclaimed as they continued to bounce on their parents' sleeping bodies. The smaller lump on the bed moved, revealing a slender woman with straight pine green hair and wide, circular pine green eyes.

"Izumi-chan! Izuku-kun! Please stop jumping on me and your otōsan, we have a little while until we have to go to the doctor. Go get dressed, and I will make breakfast okay guys?" The mother exclaimed to her children. She could barely open her eyes, her lids being held by the cobwebs of sleep.

The two children zoomed to their respective rooms, loud child-sized footsteps slightly echoed through the hallway and up the stairs. Two doors closed harshly as the green-haired mother shook the lump right next to her.

The person from the lump emerged, revealing a very skinny man with sharp and angular features, which included long arms and legs. His golden blonde hair is messy with two Manga framing his face, making his sky blue eyes stand out. He too was having trouble getting his eyelids to open and detach the webs of sleep off.

"Ohayō* Inko-chan, are the kids up yet?" The man asks his wife Inko, yawning in the process. He stretched his arms, making sure to not hit the other person in the bed.

"Yes, the kids are up and ohayō to you too Toshinori," Inko answered to her husband, she was stretching her body as she got out of the covers.


"Aniki*, if I don't have a quirk, will you still love me and become a hero with me?" Izumi asked her raven-haired brother. Only 20% of the population had no quirk, so there was a chance one of them wouldn't get an ability.

Izuku just looked at her and replied, "Baka imōto**, of course I will still love you. And we can train together to become heroes." He knew his imōto was worried about if she didn't get a quirk. And most didn't like the quirkless, since they were seen as 'weaker' than most.

The two children sat in a waiting room with their mother, the doctor was going to see them any minute now. Inko sat in the middle of them, Izuku on the left and Izumi on the right.

Izuku wore a casual long sleeve shirt, the fabric dark sapphire blue. The back had a white and blood red dragon on the fabric. His sweatpants were a light shade of gray, baggy and flowed down to his shoes. His chin-length raven hair down, rubbing against his skin.

Izumi wore a long sleeve dress, the top black and the sleeves going to her wrists. Between the top and her skirt was a nice cherry red bow, the same color as parts of her skirt. The skirt was a plaid red and black, the same colors as the other parts of the dress. The dress went all the way down to her knees, with her legs covered in black leggings going to her nice sparkly red shoes. Her golden hair was in a ponytail, tied with a cherry bow with black stripes lining it.

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