ニ: Nothing Ever Goes As Planned

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Izuku walked through the school, bandages, Burmese's and cuts all over his face and arms. Over the 6 years of being announced quirkless, his parents had completely forgotten his existence, his teachers hate him with a burning passion, and his bullies make his school life even more horrible. His raven hair grew to a third of the way down his back, his onyx as cold as ice and showed no emotion. Those eyes that used to have so much emotion, waves of it splashing to others, now still and dull when looked into.

Nobody really seemed to care to ask if he was okay, since all of the injuries he had and clothes tattered with marks and pieces of ice, small burn marks here and there. Most, if not all of the students, would mock him for him being quirkless. They would usually call him 'Deku', something his 'sister' and one of his ex-friends Katsuki made up to insult and humiliate him.

Izuku finally stopped at the door to his class, the wooden door with a small window in it showing that the sensei was trying to look at him through the door. He opened the door to see his sensei glaring at him with hatred seething in his lime green eyes. His short copper-blonde hair floating, most likely from his quirk, or it could be hair gel.

"Yagi," the teacher started. He was gritting through his teacher, not trying at all to mask his anger. "Why are you 2 minutes late? You should know that everyone has to be on time, or else they get detention. So you know what that means right? After school detention!" His control of his anger slipped as he continued to talk to Izuku.

Izuku just sighed, knowing if he was on time anyway, he would still get detention. The man, Kuramochi-sensei, would still give him detention anyway. The copper-blonde was one of the sensei's who hated him the most, number one most likely being the principal of the school. The raven-haired go-nensei* gave a small 'Yes' and walked to his seat, students snickering and cursing at him as he walked. The seat was in the very back row, right next to the window side of the room, giving him a clear view outside.

The raven stared out the window, looking as the sakura petals fell to the ground, the sensei rambled on and on about the book they were all reading as a class. It was something by William Shakespeare, that work being Macbeth. The story was about a general from Scotland named Macbeth who received a prophecy from three witches, that in the future, he would become the King of Scotland. The general becomes consumed by ambition and spurred to action by his wife, kills King Duncan and then rules Scotland as a tyrannical ruler. It was somewhat interesting, how someone with such high status and power would go as low as to murder someone because of a prophecy said to him by three witches.

The sensei continued his rant, giving out questions and calling on students to answer them. Since he was in the back, Izuku could just sit there and look at the window or read the playwright in his hands without the sensei knowing. He looked at the clock on the wall, seeing that the class was almost over.

The bell rang, signaling the end of class, along with the end of school. Everyone left the class, while Izuku stayed in his seat. He knew he would get more detention if he left, but that wouldn't matter. The classroom then became silent as Izuku looked straight at Kuramochi-sensei with his icy onyx eyes, the man glaring back at him with his own lime-green eyes. It was going to be like this for an entire hour, before both of them could leave the building.


Izuku walked to his 'house', not caring if people were looking at him. People had usually looked at him as he walked on the sidewalk to his 'house' because of how he looked. Since it's not everyday you see a 10-year-old covered in bruises and bandages with ripped clothes walking down the streets.

The raven-haired boy eventually reached his house. His room was on the second floor, the window next to a tree in the backyard. The boy ran to the tree, fast enough where nobody could see him when he reached the tree. He went as fast as he could up the tree without falling off, Izumi would beat the crap out of him if he went through the door, his 'parents' wouldn't care though. They were both doing hero work, he knew his parents were the Number 1 hero: All Might and Number 7 hero: Jade Mistress, it was somewhat obvious.

Izuku unlocked the window to his room, carefully climbing in as he tried not to make a sound. He took off his shoes after closing the window, making sure nothing in the room creaked. The raven heard noises from the tv in the living room. Izumi was watching some random show downstairs. In a couple of hours, his 'parents' and 'sister' would go out to eat to celebrate the goldilocks girl for her being one of the top kids in the class. And when that happens, he would do what he had planned and prepared for an entire year.


Hours later, he finally heard the front door closing as his 'family' members' voices drowned out. The next noise was the car starting outside and zooming off into the street.

Once he couldn't hear the car anymore, he began to grab stuff from his dresser and around the room. He dumped the unimportant things from his randoseru*, stuffing clothes, hygiene supplies and other essentials into the randoseru. Izuku sealed the leather pack, putting the straps onto his back, the black straps blending into the black hoodie he put on.  The boy thought about leaving a note, but it wouldn't matter, they wouldn't care if he left. They wouldn't miss him anyway, so he reopened the window and jumped out, landing on a branch of the tree.

The shōgakusei* climbed down with great speed and precision, looking around to see if anyone had noticed the branches moving in the dark. Looking around, nobody was on the sidewalk or driving in the street. So, he ran. He ran as fast as he could into a nearby forest in the neighborhood, he ran to what would seem like freedom. He was getting away from his hellscape, his torture, to freedom somewhere else. Even if he didn't know that much about surviving in the woods before, he had been looking up how to survive in the forest online at the school's library. The librarian, a man in his 40's named Wakatsuki was one of, if not the only person in that school's staff that tolerated him. But it was not the time to think about that right now, he needed to run deeper into what could be his freedom.

(Authors Note)

*Go-nensei - Fifth grader
*Shogakusei - Elementary School Student
-Can you tell I'm a drama kid from my reference? And I hope this was good, might be rushed though.

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