三: This Accursed World

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(Sorry for not updating this story sooner! Geometry is not fun, and I had to do a different writing piece for another class! And I hope this is good, I really thought about how this would go, so I hope this story ends up good in all of you readers minds when it's finished! See you next update!)

A week had passed since Izumi and her parents went to celebrate her grades, and things had been almost unchanging. The only difference was that Izuku hasn't been showing up to school anymore, but that was alright, his grades might have gotten him expelled. Even though she didn't see him that much at home, he was always in his room, doing whatever he did there.

And tomorrow was the weekend, and her birthday. Izumi was going to see her uncle Shota, uncle Hizashi, uncle Nezu, auntie Nemuri and her friends' parents and siblings, along with some of her fathers friends. They were going to have a giant party to celebrate her turning 11 years old. She hoped that one of her uncles would give her and her friends recommendations straight to U.A. when they are old enough.

Izumi sat in her seat, Shoka to her right and Katsumi to her left. The boys were somewhere else in the room, most likely Katsuki not bothering about the rant about Macbeth, and Shoto spacing out as he looked at Kuramochi-sensei. All of them were bored with the class, none of them really interested in literature such as Macbeth, or anything written by Shakespeare. They were waiting for the day to end, the week of boring lectures and tests to be over and to celebrate the weekend.


"Happy birthday Izumi!" Everyone in the party exclaimed happily to the girl sitting at the center of the huge table, everyone else circling around the table and her. The table was full of presents and cake, a room decorated with streamers, balloons and other birthday things.

Inko was going to cut through the giant blue and gold cake, the text 'Happy birthday Izumi' written in rose pink on the top layer. But she stopped when Aizawa asked a question. "Where is Izuku? It is also his birthday, and he isn't down here. Shouldn't we get him down here?"

Toshinori looked at the black-haired, underground hero with a questioning look. He didn't know who he was talking about, Toshinori being too absorbed in hero work and Izumi to know who this Izuku was. "Who are you talking about Aizawa? There is no Izuku in this house, Izumi is our only child."

Everyone in the room besides Inko was shocked by what he said. How did he forget about his oldest child? Toshinori had expressed when the two children were very young on how he loved them both with all his heart, but now he thinks that Izumi was the only child? What had happened to him and his wife?

"Toshinori," Nezu began, looking at the skinny blond and Inko with a flame of menace in his eyes. "How could you forget about your son!? And the same could be said for you Inko!? Now let's go get him and celebrate his birthday with his sister." The chimera got off of his chair as he, Aizawa and Naomasa went to find the raven-haired boys room.

They searched the upstairs part of the house until they found Izuku's room. The three didn't know what to expect going into the room, but they had to open the door to find out. Naomasa slowly turned the doorknob, pushing the door open as he and the other two's eyes widened.

The room was bland, scarily bland. The floor was like the rest of the bedrooms, wooden but with a huge difference. The wood was dirty, spots of blood all around the floor, some small and some large. The wallpaper is gray and peeling off of the edges, tears in some places showing the inside of the house walls. The only things in the room were a small dresser, a closet open to show how little is in it, and a bed with no sheets or comforters on it. The room looked abandoned, there was no way a child could be living in this hellscape, this crime scene.

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