十六: A World of Only Victors

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(Sorry I took so long to write this chapter, I have gotten an idea for a different story that I might publish. See y'all later)

Izumi stood in front of the address her father gave her, the small slip of paper currently in her hand along with her hero costume suitcase. The sky was a beautiful blue, clouds moving in the sky slowly as the sun shined its golden rays onto the Earth.

The outside of the house looked very old, the bricks color faded from age with lots of green moss coated the cracks and crevices of the material. The roof looked decent enough, with the wood dark from being natural or from dampness.

The golden-blond gave a small sigh, looking up to the clear sky above her. Her face gained a look of determination and pride as she walked over to the door and knocked on it softly. "Hello? Gran Torino-san? Are you there? It's me, Yagi Izumi! I'm here as your intern for the week from U.A. High School! Can I come in?"

No voice came from the house, with Izumi knocking and announcing herself to the elderly ex-hero inside his house again, but to no avail. Gran Torino just wouldn't answer, no matter how loud she shouted or how hard she pounded on the door. She eventually got fed up and slammed the door open. Izumi's wide cerulean eyes got wider when she saw Gran Torino, in his white and mustard-yellow hero costume, lying on the floor in a huge puddle of blood on the white and navy-blue tiles of the floor. The rest of the room was dark aside from the sunlight seeping through the cracked open door.

"Oh my god!" The teen girl screeched, legs shaking intensely. "He's dead! He's dead! What do I do!? What do I do!" She started panicking, pacing back and forth as her whole body tensed. Her father said he would be fine and dandy, but here he is, lying in a pool of his own blood onto the pristine tiles that made up the floor.

Suddenly, Gran Torino lifted his head, a goofy and wide smile on his old face. "Hah, you really fell for it kid! Hahahhahahahaha!" Izumi got out of her panicked state and looked at the now standing old hero. She screamed even louder this time, face turning red from how loud her scream was. Her lungs and vocal cords felt horrible at this point from all the screaming and wailing so loud.

"Alright that's enough of your racket! You're gonna make me deaf before I am supposed to! I'm supposed to be training you, not going deaf by you!"

"Sorry sensei!" The teen bowed in apology quickly, but still making sure her skirt wasn't revealing too much of her body, since they had made it very small and very short. "What do you want me to do first for our training?"

"Your first task is to dodge me!"


"Have you gotten any leads at all Naomasa-san? Please, do you have any leads as to where my sweet boy is!?" Inko fired desperately as she clung to the tall detective. She couldn't remember how long they had been searching for her lost quirkless son Izuku went, spending all day and all night trying to find clues as to where the boy went. Many had given up and said he either died or left the country, but some still stayed to try and find the missing son of Jade Mistress and All Might.

Naomasa looked down, shaking his head as he informed the female hero of his findings. "No, we have not found you son Izuku yet, nor do we have any leads still. Our numbers are getting lower and lower each and every week, saying that he doesn't want to be found, that he won't be found. I'm very sorry, but I will keep looking for him with my team."

Inko's emerald eyes sparkled as tears grew in them, leaking down her cheeks and onto the ground. "Thank you for trying Naomasa-san. Please find my son, I want him back home."

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