五: The Only Things That Truly Exist In This Reality

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(I'm very sorry for how slow this chapter was made, I had a bunch of school work to do and didn't have the time to continue writing. A new chapter of my other story might be done in a couple of days, and I will have chapters come out a little bit longer than the other ones. This chapter might be very rushed, I was getting worried if it would be good or not, so try to enjoy and see you next time.)

Aizawa and Snipe walked through a forest, looking for a certain person. The chimera principle of U.A, Nezu, had found weird things happening inside this forest. Apparently, fire and raised earth and dirt found all around a specific area of the forest that they were heading to.

"Why does Nezu want us to look in this place anyway? What does he expect us to find in a forest anyway?" Snipe said, his tan old-school gas mask distorting his voice just a little. The mask was really weird, it was shaped like a horse muzzle.

Aizawa pushed his head further into his binding cloth-like scarf. "I don't care, let's just get this over with," the man grumbled tiredly. He was already exhausted from teaching the problem children that were his class, Class 1-A. The problem children he teaches and nightly hero work, stacked on top of this made Aizawa want to double the amount of coffee he had from 4 cups to 8 cups in an instant.

The Gun hero and Underground hero continued walking through the fresh green grass, rays of sun shining above the tall trees. Leaf-shaped shadows covered most of the dew-covered ground. They walked and walked until they came across a giant traditional Japanese estate, banners with white and red uchiwa branded onto the fabric. Sounds of wood being struck and grunts are heard the closer they get to the front door.

The two heroes looked around the huge estate, going around each room and floor to see who lived here. Why would anyone live in the middle of a forest? They both eventually found a training ground outside, a person punching one of the wood stumps inserted into the dirt ground. The person had long raven hair, almost reaching their waist, scars all over their well built figure, showing as they were shirtless, and relatively tall.

The person suddenly paused on their workout, turning to glare at the two people who intruded in his home. His eyes were an empty onyx, endless and icy. Snipe could feel a spider crawling down his spine, shivers going all across his body as he sensed a dark aura around the person in front of them. The scarf-wearing hero had a similar reaction, the aura around this person was dangerous and screamed power. Any normal person would quiver with fear.

Aizawa coughed, slowly getting the confidence to ask this person anything. "Who are you and are you the one who has been shooting the fire and raising the earth in this forest?"

The two heroes saw how the person in front of them glared harder with his one showing eye, the right eye most likely under the raven hair above it. "Why should I, the great Uchiha Madara, have to answer to you two? I could kill you here and now without a second thought, so unless you have anything super important, leave before your blood stains the dirt we stand on."

"Okay then Uchiha-san, but the person who sent us here might want to see you. He has wanted to know who has been raising the earth and shooting fire out here, and we can give you anything you want if you come with us. So what do you say?" Snipe asked the long-haired teen, voice slowly started to get desperate. If he could raise the earth and it stays there permanently, heroes could use that to their advantage. And Nezu would know exactly what to do and how to get this Madara person to work with them.

Madara continued to blankly stare at them, his aura and glare unwavering. The teen then sighed, making up his mind on what to do. "Anything you say? Sooner or later, you're going to regret those words for what the future might entail."


Izumi, now age 13, and her father Yagi Toshinori, also known as All Might pulling trash off of the sandy beach of Takoba Beach. She dragged the pieces of metal using the rope tied around her waist, something her father wanted her to do to grow her muscles. Izumi needed to grow muscle mass to be able to use her fathers quirk once her training was done, One For All, the only quirk that could contend with the number one villain, All For One.

Right now, she had almost cleared the entire beach and she had only been doing this for 5 ½ months. There was still a tiny bit of garbage left from the years and years of people putting their trash all around this beach. It used to be one of Izumi and her missing brothers favorite places before people started to use it as a dump.

The golden-blond haired teen continued to pull the trash from the sands. She put them in the truck that her father got for her to place garbage in. This went on for hours, with her father giving her breaks the closer and closer she got to finishing cleaning the public space.

"Come on Izumi, that is the last refrigerator and then the entire beach will be cleaned! You can do it Izumi!" Her father cheered the teen on, she had been working on this for almost half a year and she was finally going to be done.


Izumi panted as she blended to put her hands on her knees. She had finally done it, she finally cleared the beach of all the junk on the pretty sands. Part of her training was complete, she was going to get her father's quirk. The golden-blonde smiled widely, her parents would watch as she made it to be the number one hero and made it up to her brother, if he was still alive.

Toshinori put a hand to his daughter's right shoulder, patting it softly. He gave his signature smile as he looked at her, his dreams were going to come true. All for One would finally be defeated by his daughter and his sensei was going to be avenged. "Izumi, I think you are ready. I think you are ready to receive One for All." The fathers unused hand reached to pull out a strand of golden hair from his scalp and put it in front of Izumi's face.

Izumi looked up at her father, her eyes sparkling with the tears trying to go down her face. The sun made her tears glow as they poured down her cheeks. Her face created a massive smile as she looked at her dad, happy about what her father told her.

"Now, EAT THIS!" Toshinori exclaimed as he pushed the hair closer to his daughter's face.

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