十七: A World of Only Peace

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(The next chapter is finally here! Yay! I hope you enjoy!)

Today marks Izumi's third day in her work study with Gran Torino, a man who turned out to have trained her father in One For All as well! He was the best option to train her!

She was currently in her hero costume, a mix of her mother and father's costumes, Gran Torino next to her with his thin tan cane. The sun was going down in the sky, the slim area of yellow and orange being overrun by pinks going into a dark blue and eventually black, stars twinkling in the dark parts of the sky.

"Let's go fight some villains!"

Gran Torino's courage-laced voice caught Izumi slightly off guard. She had been waiting for the time she would get some actual experience besides being beaten by the elderly man over and over again. But she didn't expect this sudden change of mood from her mentor and have a chance to go fight villains now!

"But sensei! It's getting late! We might not have a chance to find a villain!"

"Izumi, when you think a villain who doesn't want to be caught strikes?"

"At night?"

"Exactly! Now let's not waste any more time and go find those villains!"


Izumi and her mentor finally got to the surrounding area in Hosu full of Nomu, fire and heroes. She zoomed around the fire, looking for a Nomu she could possibly take or even a civilian to get out of the rubble.

But she didn't see anyone for a small bit, the fire and smoke overshadowing any chance of seeing a harmed civilian. As she continued to search around, Izumi eventually came across a familiar 11-year-old boy with raven-black hair that reached his neck walking into an alleyway. "Wait!" The hero-in-training sprinted to the exact alleyway the boy walked into before.

The golden-blonde walked slowly towards the child, who was facing the darkness of the slim alleyway. She watched as the boy stood unmoving, it was unnatural for a child of his age to not be moving. Usually children of his age would be bursting with energy and excitement with seeing someone wearing a hero costume, but this familiar boy was kinda freaking Izumi out.

"Hey kid, are you alright? Where are your parents?"

The child turned to the female just a little bit, one eye visible through the long strands of hair revealing a glowing red eye staring straight into her soul. The eye acted as if it could see into her spirit, into her sins, into what made her what she was.

"You know exactly how I am, Yagi Izumi. Or should I say imōto?" The boy's voice was deep and super familiar as she realized who this was. It was her brother Izuku with the voice of Madara, most likely an illusion made by the mysterious teen.

Izumi went to hug her long lost brother, but the closer she got, a dark atmosphere around her could be felt around her. She began to see colors in a gray scale, her eyes mostly seeing black from the small amount of light. The sky above was pitch black, nothing besides the blood moon hanging above. Izumi tried to run to her brother, but the alleyway extended more and more as she went, bending and curving in abnormal ways.

Her stomach churned as her feet continued to move forward slowly, time warping at each step to the ground. How was this happening? Why was this happening? Was this her brother's quirk? Or was this all happening in her head? Either way, Izumi had to get out of this.

The scene changed suddenly, going from an alleyway to Izumi being strapped onto an almost crucifix made out of wood by metal cuffs attached to the wood. The sky changed to blood red, the moon disappeared as the sky bled. All around her were copies of Madara, each one had a katana in hand as they stood around her.

"What!? Where am I?!" The girl was panicking at this point, voice shaking as she scanned her surroundings at great speed. A minute ago she was in Hosu, looking for any civilians in danger from the Nomu and the blazing fire around, but now she is in a dimension she doesn't know anything about with clones of her brother surrounding her as she was held in place on a wooden crucifix.

"This is Tsukuyomi, a world where I am Kami, I control everything that exists in the land." The deep voice of the raven teen echoed loudly throughout the seemingly endless void.

"Why are you doing this!" Izumi started to cry as she shouted to the blood-red sky above her. She was in full panic at this point, eyes darting all over the place, skin being covered 8n a thin layer of sweat and tears rolling down her face.

"You know exactly why I am doing this. Why would I never forget what you did to me? What you all did to me. Now you must suffer the consequences, just like how those girls had to."


Izumi's body went limp, cerulean eyes wide and grasping onto the light of life in them. The Tsukuyomi still in effect, making her unresponsive and unmoving. Madara held the unconscious body of his sister in his arms then jumped up to the roofs and ran from rooftop to rooftop until he reached an abandoned part of a city and placed Izumi's body onto the dirty ground on an abandoned building in the section of the city.

Madara stood there, watching as Izumi experienced the Tsukuyomi. Blood came from her nose, mouth and eyes around 5 minutes after the genjutsu was activated, pouring out at a slow pace then leading to pooling out in quick succession and making a large puddle on the floor and seeping into her clothing. She tried to sleep through the genjutsu but the blood in her mouth began to choke her, Izumi's arms and legs spasming as her body lost more and more air from the red liquid blocking her throat.
The strangled noises she made eventually stopped as her eyes lost their shine of life, body going limp, cold, dead.

Performing a couple of hand seals, Madara said the name of the jutsu. "Ranton: Reizā Sākasu*." A small halo of energy spread from his hands, encircling them as then many beams of energy shot out from the halo of energy. The beams directed towards Izumi's dead body, shocking it and burning it at the same time. Eventually the body was seared black, clothes turned into ash along with most of the girl's body.

The raven put a finger to the body, which then dissolved into flakes of ash. Some of the ashes blew in the wind as the particles fell to make a small pile of black ash. Once all of the ash collected itself, Madara turned away and walked out of the building, leaving the remnants of Izumi behind.

(Authors Note)

*Ranton: Reizā Sākasu - Storm Release: Laser Circus

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