ニ十ニ: This Reality Is A Hell....

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(Here we are.... the last chapter. It might be super short but it has something from a story I might publish on here and write and a question for you all. I hope this story was good, so see you all next time...)

Nezu sat in his office, waiting for the person he called to have a talk with. Aizawa stood next to him behind his desk, analyzing the paperwork on the wooden desk of the chimera principal. They both knew this day would come, it was inevitable at this point, but it was a lot earlier than the two heroes had thought.

After a small while, a knock came from outside the door, meaning the person they asked for was finally here. "Come in please," Nezu said with a kind voice, knowing exactly who this was.

The door opened to reveal Madara and Eri, who was holding her father's hand. Her other hand had a coloring book and some colors just in case this meeting would be super long. The small girl then went to a comfy chair in the corner of the room and began to color a picture in her coloring book while Madara stood in front of Aizawa and Nezu.

"What was the reason I have been called here exactly? Is it another mission or something different?" The raven asked seriously. If it was a mission, he knew that he would have to take care of it. Or if it was something else, he would do it anyway.

Aizawa and Nezu also looked serious, with Nezu bringing out a slip of paper from within the drawers of the wooden desk the two were behind. "We have called you here for something very important Madara. Me and Aizawa have seen every demonstration of your power and have agreed on something. And after calling the government to make sure we were allowed to do this, we decided to give you the chance to graduate at this point in time and become a hero after that graduation. Would you want to take this chance?" Nezu told the raven, looking at him with a serious face. Something like this never happened much and it was a massive opportunity to start out a hero career early.

As Madara detested this information, he thought about how this was very good for him. He could start being a hero super early and leave U.A. along with his parents' memories in this place. It could also be good for Eri, who wouldn't have to be stuck in this school with him.

"Yes, I would like to be graduating early. It would be the best choice for me and Eri, as my power is far above and honed to not be a hero at this very moment in time."

"Then it's settled, you will be graduating in three days time and become one of the youngest heroes in Japanese history. Congratulations Uchiha Madara, or should I now be calling you Ghost of the Uchiha?" Nezu chuckled a little, happy about the raven agreeing to do this.


Madara stood on the top of a building, looking down at the citizens below him. His long and spiky raven hair flowed in the nice warm breeze of the beautiful day. The teen was donning his red armor, the main part of his hero costume and the thing that signaled who he was.

It had been a couple of days since he had graduated from U.A. early, with Eri at home with a clone of himself to look after her as he did hero duty. As he looked at the people below and to the clear blue sky above him, a scream could be heard. He had more hero duty to do, so he ran over to the origin of the scream, knowing things as a hero could be content from all the burdens of his childhood now gone.

(Now for a small portion of the first chapter of a story I might publish! And I'm going to write Ichigo as various 'wholesome' Vocaloid songs, so give me some songs to use if you want!)

A man swung his katana at the oak tree in front of him, the steel of the blade breaking the brown bark and seeping into the wood inside the tall tree with great strength. Light, feathery green leaves fell from the oak's slender branches from the impact of glistening curved steel of the katana cracking the brown bark and seeping into the light wood on the inside. The male's pale and slender hand grasped the blood-red silk of the tsuka-Ito on the blade, pulling the steel from the hard wood of the thick tree trunk and sheathed it back into its coal-black saya on his snow-white obi.

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