七: Suffering

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(Because of complaints and my horrible self conciseness, I have removed the sentences that were in Japanese and put them in English, forgive me for not doing that long ago and for my sin.)

"Who do you think our teacher is going to be? And is this all of the students in the class? Apparently, our class is supposed to have 23 students, but there's only 22 that I can count," a kid said as he sat inside the classroom of 1-A. He had spiky red hair and red eyes.

The rest of the students talked amongst themselves until they heard the door slowly open, two tall men walking through. One had messy shoulder-length black hair and a gray scarf while the other had waist-length raven hair and wore a U.A. uniform.

Everyone watched as the raven-haired teen walked to the very back of the room, arriving at the occupied window seat in that row. He didn't look at anyone, just moving forward with his head held high, aura deadly and cold. Once he sat down, the rest of the class turned back to look at the man who was their teacher, standing behind a podium in the middle of a chalkboard.

"Ohayō students, I am Aizawa Shota, your sensei for the next three years. Now I want all of you to come up here and introduce yourself and your quirk to the class, starting with you," Aizawa said, pointing his right hand at a teen with long blond hair in a weird fashion and indigo eyes.

The teen got up from his seat, his face in an almost permanent slim smile and walked to the podium. He balled his fist and cleared his throat as he introduced himself. "Hello everyone! I am Aoyama Yuga! My quirk is Navel Laser." What seemed like sparkles appeared around the teen male once he finished introducing himself.

Aoyama walked away from the podium, going back to his seat at the front of the class. Aizawa then pointed at a girl with pink fluffy hair with pale horns in her hair, light pink skin, and golden-yellow eyes with black sclerae to go up. She introduced herself as Ashido Mina and her quirk being Acid.

This process went on as everyone introduced themselves. The first column had Aoyama, Mina, a girl with dark-green hair and eyes with frog-like features named Asui Tsuyu, a dark-blue haired boy with glasses and engines on his legs named Ida Tenya, and a girl with brown hair and eyes with permanent pink cheeks named Uraraka Ochaco.

The second column had a boy with short blond hair and black eyes with a tail named Mashiro Ojiro, a kid with blond hair with a black lightning bolt named Kaminari Denki, the kid with spiky red hair and eyes named Kirishima Eijiro, a rock-heard boy named Koda Koji, Todoroki Shoka -who now sported a scar on the left side of her face, and a boy with brown hair and thick lips named Sato Rikido.

The third column had a boy with gray hair and six arms named Shoji Mezo, a girl with purple hair no earphone jacks named Jiro Kyoka, another kid had black hair and tape dispensers on his elbows named Sero Hanta, a boy with a bird head named Tokoyami Fumikage, Todoroki Shoto -who also had a scar on his left side of his face, and Bakugo Katsumi.

The last column had an invisible girl -expect for her clothes named Hagakure Toru, Bakugo Katsuki, Yagi Izumi, a kid it's purple balls on his head named Mineta Minoru, a onyx-haired girl named Yaoyorozu Momo and the last person was introducing himself now.

"I am Uchiha Madara. I am not telling you all my quirk, all of you are too weak to hear what I can do," Madara said, his tone flat and cold. He went to walk back to his seat, but was stopped when Katsuki got up from his seat and slammed his hand on his desk.

"Oh yeah, hot shot! You think I'M too weak for YOU! We can see who is REALLY the weak one, right here right NOW!" Katsuki yelled at Madara, his unused hand making small explosions in the palm.

Aizawa sighed, fingers scrunching his forehead. Why did he have to get a hothead in his class, his sister most likely is a hothead as well, so lucky him. "Bakugo, sit down. You will have the chance to fight, but not in my classroom. Madara legally doesn't have to tell you or anyone his quirk if he wants to," the underground hero grumbled to his hotheaded student, he was going to be a pain to deal with for three years if he acted like this.

The raven went back to his seat once the sandy-blond teen boy sat back in his seat. Said teen glared at him, fiery anger bleeding into his red eyes. The sensei went back to the medium-sized podium at the front of the classroom and announced what they were going to do next. "For the first day, I usually have a quirk apprehension test. But this year, I want to try something different. You are all going to go outside and face Madara all at once. If you knock him out, you all win, but if he knocks you all out, he wins. Now put on these uniforms and go outside."

The students grabbed a school gym uniform as they walked out the door, making sure they grabbed their right size. After everyone left the classroom with their red, white and blue uniforms, Madara pulled out a scroll from his backpack. He pushed some chakra into the seal of the old-looking scroll, revealing the clothes he came into the school with and a large gunbai.


Madara stood in the middle of the training yard, the rest of 1-A circled around him. The circle was around 25 meters long, each child spread out so they wouldn't hit each other with their quirks. Away from the students, Aizawa had a white and red megaphone in his hands and near his lips as he shouted, "Hajime!*"

(Authors Note)
*Hajime- Begin

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