十二: Wars Are Initiated By the Selfish Intent to Preserve Peace

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"Kacchan, have you found your sister yet? Shoka and her haven't been found in two weeks, and I am starting to get worried about them. The police haven't found them either!" Izumi wailed to the lone Bakugo twin, standing in front of his desk with Shoto standing next to her. Their parents had filed missing reports, but nobody had found them yet.

"They might be on a trip or something and didn't tell anyone, but I haven't gotten a text from either of them," Katsuki replied, trailing off as he continued talking. He truly was concerned on the inside, but wanted to make sure the other two didn't see that and wanted to stay strong for both of them and the sisters.

Their classmates heard what they talked about, moving over to the group of three to talk about what they had heard. News stations all over Japan had been talking about the two missing teens, since both were U.A High students and one was the daughter of Endeavor, they had been the talk for every station.

Eventually, Aizawa, Madara and Eri walked into the classroom, the class being silenced and sitting in their respective seats when they heard the door open. The class was wondering who the small child wearing a red pinafore dress over a white dress shirt was holding their classmate's hand, Yaoyorozu raising her hand to get an answer.

"Aizawa-sensei, who is the little girl holding Madara-san's hand and why is she here?"

"Nezu is allowing Madara to bring his daughter to classes, as she lives in the dorms with him and he wants her to be protected. So that means don't disturb her, she is still shy of others she doesn't know. You can go to your seat now Madara," Aizawa answered his student, trying to explain the situation to his class of problem children. Said problem children nodded their heads in response, implying that they would do what their sensei said, even if Madara having a daughter made a bunch of questions go into their head. Their first thought was that she was adopted, and they all put it at that and left it alone as they waited for what Aizawa would tell them next.

After Madara sat down, placing Eri on his lap to see what was happening, Aizawa continued talking about the day. "Today we will be going to the U.S.J. Make sure to bring your hero costumes and arrive at the bus in 10 minutes, or we will leave you behind."


The Space Hero Thirteen stood in front of the high school class, giving a small speech about how quirks could be dangerous and useful at the same time. Madara didn't really pay attention to what the female hero was saying, since he didn't really have a quirk anyway and he didn't really have to listen to her words anyway.

Once Thirteen finished her speech, Aizawa and Madara suddenly saw a black and purple portal appear in the middle of the building. The portal got bigger as a hand appeared from inside it, with villains walking out of the portal.

"They even got fake villains for us to fight!" Kirishima exclaimed as he pointed at the villains in the middle of the building. But his excitement was cut short when the raven teen told the class, "Those aren't fake villains, they are real."

The underground hero gripped his capture gear wrapped around his neck, getting ready for action. Before he could leap into the horde of villains, the raven teen, who still had Eri, went first into the action. He made sure to have Eri holding on tightly onto his back, a strange blue skeletal arm holding her in place.

Using his Sharingan and gunbai, Madara knocked out villains left and right, making sure his daughter was untouched on his back. The armored teen made his way towards who seemed like the leader of the invading villains, a skinny light-blue haired man with hands all over his body, before he heard the man speak to the purple mist person standing next to him. "Kurogiri, bring out the Nomu! This NPC is taking down all the people we collected to take down All Might!"

The man named Kurogiri made a movement resembling a nod, making another huge portal. The portal opened to reveal what the blue-haired villain called a 'Nomu', a huge black bird monster with its brains exposed.

"Nomu, go kill that brat!" The main villain commanded the creature, pointing at the zooming teen who was still swatting the crowd away like flies.

The Nomu roared, running at Madara with great speed until it reached him, whacking the last person of the group into a tree. The raven saw the approaching creature, blocking its first attack with his gunbai.

The Nomu continued to attack Madara, being blocked with each move it did. Using his other hand, he summoned his kama* and slashed muscles on the creature's arms and legs. He watched as the wounds healed almost immediately, getting the idea that this thing had a regeneration quirk with its super strength quirk.

"Otōsan, will you be alright?" Eri asked her father, putting her face closer to her dad's hair. She saw the Nomu and how strong it felt, wanting to have her father be okay and win his fight.

"Yes Eri-chan, I am fine. But just in case, close your eyes for me. I don't want you to see the end of this fight, just for your sake," Madara replied to his daughter, continuing to attack and block the creature's movements.

The child gave a nod, the raven feeling it through his hair moving as the bluish-white haired girl closed her eyes to not see the carnage. Once she closed her cherry eyes, Madara brought his kama to the Nomu's neck.

Everyone saw the kama cut through the creature's neck, the head rolling on the ground as the body fell to the ground, not moving or regenerating. The blue-haired villain scratched his neck in irritation, yelling, "You cheater! Cheater! Cheater! Cheater! That Nomu had the same strength as All Might in his prime! This is impossible! An NPC like you shouldn't have been able to defeat it!"

"Young Tomura, we need to leave immediately. Master will need to hear about this," Kurogiri informed Tomura, who didn't want the man's quirk to go out of hand at this moment.

The two villains left in a black and purple portal, leaving all the unconscious villains left there to be arrested by police who arrived after they left. Madara brought the skeletal hand to bring Eri into his hands, unsummoning his kama and putting his gunbai back onto his back. He let her know that she could open her eyes, seeing her father and his sensei as they all walked back to the bus and drove back to U.A, going to inform Nezu about the incident and its events.

(Authors Note)
*Kama - Sickle

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