十: Shadows Are Found in Light

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(Sorry for the long wait! But at least this chapter is longer than most, I think! Tell me if you enjoyed!)

Class 1-A walked into their classroom, all having different conversations with each other happily as they moved to their seats. All of them saw that Madara wasn't inside the class, confused on why the raven wasn't there. Aizawa at the podium in front of the class announced why the raven wasn't there.

"Madara will not be joining you all for the Battle Trials you will be doing. And I will not be here as well for it, another teacher will be with you. If you have any questions, now is the time to ask them."

Izumi was the first one to raise her hand, which Aizawa signaled her to ask her question. "Why does he not have to participate? I don't think that is fair to us, Aizawa-sensei. Don't we all need to participate in school events?"

"The reasons as to why he won't participate are mostly our business as sensei's. One is that it would make the teams even, so nobody will have to go twice. The other is that Nezu believes that he is too strong to face you, as demonstrated a couple weeks ago. And Madara has something else to do right now, any other questions?" The sensei responded to the golden-haired girl's questions, looking around for any other hands until he saw Katsuki having his hand raised.

"Why does someone like him not have to participate?! Even if the principal says so doesn't mean that he is stronger than me?! And why does he have something else to do today?! He is supposed to be here, isn't he?!" Katsuki spat at the teacher, his foot slamming on his desk.

The underground hero groaned loudly as he pinched his forehead in irritation, he was still the same ever since Izuku disappeared. "That is none of your business, Bakugo Katsuki. Now, if that is all of the questions, I will be leaving."

Nobody else raised their hand for questions, so the sensei left the room. He knew that All Might would come into the room in around 5 minutes and he didn't want to be in the same room as him for too long. The underground hero had to make sure that Madara would complete his mission, even though he knew his strengths, he knew his oikko* was very powerful but he was still worried. Even after adopting him, Aizawa would still want to make sure Madara was safe.


Madara walked up to plain-looking office buildings surrounded by traditional Japanese houses, knowing that this was the compound for the Shie Hassaikai trying to disguise itself to seem normal. The raven decided to wear his armor, the plates making a tiny amount of noise as he moved, his gunbai strapped on his back in case he needed it.

The raven researched through Nezu's computer and access in information to learn more about the yakuza group, which was somewhat difficult to find. The leader really knew how to keep their existence a secret to the world.

Madara ran into the Headquarters at high speed, heading for the main building where they kept most of their equipment to make those bullets of theirs. Kicking the door down at the entrance, he saw a hallway with plain-looking walls and a wooden floor. As he went through the hallway, the raven came across a shrine with a vase.

"They most likely have all of their equipment in a basement, and are using the upper levels to make it seem normal. So, if I remove the vase from the shrine," Madara then grasped the vase, lifting it and seeing a slightly visible wooden panel underneath it. "This wooden panel must give access to the basement below."

The teen pushed the panel, revealing a door from the wall with a dark set of stairs. Madara then placed the vase back where it was, then walked into the passage before it closed all the way. He made sure to mask his presence with each step, the teen didnt want to be detected yet.

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