八: Futility

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The Todoroki twins were the first of the class to attempt to attack Madara. Skating up to him with their ice, the two shot ice at the raven. Said teen just stood there, watching as they made the wall of ice in front of them. But, before the ice could get any bigger than 8 feet, Madara shouted, "Katon: Gōkakyū no Jutsu.*"

From the raven-haired teens mouth, orange flames shot out like a river and onto the ice. The ice started to evaporate from the immense amount of heat from the flames until there was nothing left. Shoto and Shoka saw this, the male getting away from its range. But Shoka wasn't lucky enough and the flames touched her skin, the orange spreading until she put an ice-covered hand on top of the area on her arm, side then her thigh.

Her face paled slightly as she saw that the places had third-degree burns, the edges and around the places turned an almost charred black and the rest blood red and a very concerning pink color. The dual-haired girl wanted to throw up as the burnt flesh dropped to the floor, making a nasty noise as it hit the ground.

As she watched the burn on her arm gush out lines of red, Shoka felt her eyes get heavier and vision gaining black dots. Izumi caught the now passed out girl with her telekinesis, also running to try and attack the raven worth the rest of the class. The first people to reach the teen in the middle were Ida, Katsuki, Katsumi and Shoto.

Everyone's eyes were filled with determination, but some were also worried. Shoka had gotten serious burns that started bleeding, passing out from just looking at that. They didn't get to know what quirk Madara had, or even what he could do.

Everyone tried to use their quirks and tangle up the raven, but he was too fast for them. The long-haired teen seemingly disappeared in a blur, a shadow then coming from above them, his gunbai in his hand. Madara dropped down, using his gunbai to push some of the others away, in turn pushing the people behind the ones who got swatted away.

The raven before all of the students could get up from the ground proceeded to punch and kick anyone of them that came close to him. Teens were seen basically flying away from the impact of Madara kicking and swatting them, bruises all over them, varying in color. Some of them had blood running from their noses, mouths and other places, bones were broken and other injuries were found around their unconscious bodies.

"Madara, I think you have already won," Aizawa said through his megaphone to get said teen's attention. The black-haired teacher watched as the raven walked out of the giant dust cloud made from his battle, the students unconscious all around him.


Katsuki rose up from the white covers of the bed he layed in. His red eyes were wide as he looked at where he was, a white room with medical supplies around tables in the rooms. There were other beds in the room, filled with his classmates and friends, covered in bandages like he was.

"Where am I?" Katsuki asked, his voice raspier than it usually was. He must have done too much shouting earlier, or Madara damaged his vocal cords. An old-looking nurse with a syringe-shaped cane walked towards him, a smile on her wrinkled face.

"You're finally up dearly," the nurse began as she put one of her hands on the ash-blonde boy's forehead. "Are you feeling alright? You all had faced a massive beating from Madara-kun, and had many wounds. And it's my job as U.A.'s nurse to make sure you all are in tiptop shape."

The nurse motioned for the teen to lay back down and continue to rest, his wounds having a high chance to reopen and take longer to heal if he moved anymore than he did. Katsuki then closed his eyes and went to sleep as the lady told him to. He didn't have the energy to yell or get mad right now.

Knocks were suddenly heard from the direction of the door, sounding almost frantic to get in the room. The nurse walked up to the door, revealing the Number 7 hero, Jade Mistress and All Might at the doorway.

Inko had her fern-green hair down, usually having it down when she wears her hero costume. Her hero costume consisted of a forest-green full bodysuit, black lines going down the sides of the outfit. A white belt wrapped around her waist, pouches to hold stuff on the belt. The woman's hands and feet were covered with white gloves and boots with gray and black lining on them.

Standing next to her was All Might in his usual costume. The suit was red, white and blue, covering his whole body. In the middle of his chest, the stripes of color made a 'Y' shape, his yellow belt also making a similar shape. His huge yellow boots had red and white lines on the top of the shoe.

Their expressions showed a great amount of concern, most likely for their daughter. But, they greeted the nurse first with a "Hello Recovery Girl" and went up to Izumi's bed. They pulled up two chairs, one on each side, and sat as they observed their youngest child.

"How bad was the damage? Can she still become a hero and be able to use One for All?" All Might asked Recovery Girl, putting his right hand onto the unconscious golden-blond hair girl's shoulder.

"Yes, she and the rest of her classmates will be fine after around 2-3 days of me healing them and resting. And she will still be able to use One for All, but will have a little bit more difficulty using it now," Recovery Girl answered the top hero of the country, looking down slightly.

"What happened anyway? How did they get like this? No alarm came off, so a villain didn't get in," Inko questioned the nurse hero. Students shouldn't get injured on their first day of school, usually, but hero schools are not like normal schools.

"Aizawa had the class fight with Madara-kun, which was a stupid decision. He is far above them in power and other different ways, these kids just got to school and are already in this office," Recovery Girl sighed as she told All Might what had happened, healing 22 students on the first day wasn't planned in her schedule.

All Might asked the nurse hero who Madara was, Recovery Girl giving a small description of the teen and what she has seen of him. The golden-haired hero's face grew in anger, finally knowing who harmed his princess, his successor, his only child. He stormed out of the room, feet slamming onto the ground as he searched for the teen known as Uchiha Madara.

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