四: The Longer You Live, The More You Realize

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(Sorry if this chapter seemed stupid and at a bad speed, I didn't really know what to do with this chapter! I hope it's good, and a new chapter for my Izuku as Aizen story might be out today or tomorrow, or even the next day. See you next time!)

"The first thing you need to do is build up and control your chakra. Your chakra will be able to help you train in the rest of the areas you need to train in," the voice told Izuku. It was like he knew about this place, but the boy would ask about that later.

The scroll showed images of a person with a leaf on their head, the second image had the person pushing an energy into the leaf. The rest of the images showed how the energy grew bigger and more concentrated.

Izuku put down the scroll on the ground softly, the images on full display so he would know what to do. He walked out of the compound and went to one of the trees outside and picked a leaf from one of the tree branches.

Placing the leaf on his head, the raven-haired male started to push his chakra into the leaf. He concentrated as hard as he could as he felt his chakra expand the longer he concentrated on the leaf on his forehead.

The boy had spent the entire day doing this, making his chakra get bigger and bigger, while being able to contain it inside his body. But, he felt immensely tired psychically and mentally, concentrating on a leaf on your forehead is tiring and boring. So Izuku found a bedroom to sleep in, went into the covers and went to sleep. Tomorrow he would continue training, he was going to become the strongest man on Earth and finally make peace. He was going to change the world from the hell that it has become and been for many, many years.


"I think you are ready to finally start doing ninjutsu, bukijutsu, and taijutsu. Your chakra is almost as large as mine was, it even has the same aura to it, and it has only been a year. Let's start with bukijutsu first, since it is connected to taijutsu and help you control your chakra more than it already is," the deep voice told Izuku, who had said his name was Uchiha Madara.

Madara looked exactly like how the boy did but was older. The man had waist-length raven hair and shoulder length bangs that framed his face, covering his right eye. He had crimson armor with layers on metal plates that protected his chest, waist, shoulders and thighs. Madara looked like a hardened warrior who had been in at least 4 wars and won.

"What weapons should I train in Madara? Since you trained in many and I haven't held that many weapons before, should I try to master all the weapons in this room?" Izuku questioned the older man in his mindscape.

"It would be a good idea to master all of these weapons in this training room. Knowing how to use many weapons is very versatile for anyone," the adult male responded to Izuku.

The boy went to the 'Bukijutsu' section of the shelf full of scrolls in the training room. He pulled out the scroll that had the kanji for 'Kusarigama*' written on the seal that held it together. He opened the scroll, placed it on the ground and started practicing the stances.


"The search for the missing 11-year old Yagi Izuku is still not successful. The Japanese police still don't have many leads, besides that the child might have run away due to family issues or another reason. He has raven black hair, black eyes and is a minor. If you have any information about Izuku, please call the family's phone number on screen or call the police to help find him. And now back to you Kuchiranki-san," the reporter of the news station announced on the television. Ever since Inko placed a missings person report, the news had been broadcasting so people could know and help with the investigation.

Inko held her daughter, Izumi, in her arms. They were both crying into each other as they held on the other for support. The two females both missed the boy very much, wishing they had been better and supported their son/brother through the years that they abused and neglected him. The two of them wished they could go back in time and slap themselves in the face for what would happen in the future, Izuku was missing and it was mostly their fault, their stupid decisions was a huge factor on why this happened.

"Mom," Izumi sniffled. Tears were streaming down her cheeks, her eyes were already red from countless nights of crying her eyes out. Her mother, Shoka and Katsumi looked exactly like that, but Izumi felt the worst. She was the younger sister, she had agreed to torment her brother, being as dumb and stupid child. "When will Izuku-nii be found? Will he be found? I miss him so much!"

Inko's teary eyes looked at her daughter, her vision very blurry because of the salty water flowing from her eyes. "I don't know when Izuku will be found, or if he wants to be found. But we just need to hope that he is safe and healthy for now, until someone finds him."


"I can believe that useless Deku ran away! It's so bad that my sister has been in her room, crying for almost 5 days! It's better that he is missing, or even better if he was dead! He was a waste of space and air!" Bakugo, now age 12 shouted to Shoto who was walking to his right, coming very close to the wall of the dark alleyway.  They both looked exactly how they did before, with Shoto and his sister Shoka having their iconic scar, and Katsuki and his sister having their massive egos and small temper.

"Yeah, Shoka barley comes out to eat. She only leaves her room for dinner, and that's when Fuyumi or Natsuo ask her to eat. And yeah, that waste of space should have died while being born, one less quirkless person in this world," Shoto responded to the male next to him. They both knew that their respective sister had a crush on the missing boy for the longest time, even when they tormented Izuku. Katsuki thought they were too 'soft at heart' to face the fact that quirkless people are abominations to society, and shouldn't be born. They should be locked up and looked at, for all the two cared for!

"Hey," Katsuki started. "The arcade is down the alleyway and only a block away, you wanna hang out there? We could win some stuff to cheer up the girls?"

Shoto gave a nod and answered, "Sure, we got time. My dad would want me home at around 8:00 PM. But I don't care, he won't be there anyway."

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