九: Looking Everywhere In This World

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(Sorry for the short chapter! But I hope you all are alright with it! See y'all next time!)

"So, Aizawa-san, Madara-san, what did you want to talk to me about? Because if it is about Madara-san not wanting to wear the uniform that much, if at all it is fine with me," the chimera principle, Nezu, announced to the two males who entered the room. His paws were used to hold the hot beverage in them.

"No, we didn't come here for that. I think he already figured that out by himself. But, we came here for something different, and we wanted to see if you agreed with us on it first before Madara takes action," Aizawa responded to the chimera sitting on the moss-green sofa with the beverage.

The two males moved over to the other moss-green couch in the room, sitting right across from Nezu. Madara just looked straight at him after he put his gunbai to lean against the furniture, while Aizawa sighed as he began to talk, "Madara here was wondering if he could possibly attempt to do the mission the Sir Nighteye has been planning to do alone. Mirio and him have been talking about how Nighteye wants to save the child that the Shie Hassaikai have been using to make their goal possible. So, if you would consider t-," but before he could finish, All Might busted through the door, anger written all over his face.

"Madara!" All Might shouted, slightly shaking the table in the middle of the sofas from how loudly he shouted. "What did you do to my daughter! To your classmates! I will not tolerate that behavior!"

Nezu and Aizawa sighed, the chimera placing his beverage down on the table. The principal then walked over to the angry hero and tried his best to explain the situation to the golden-blond. "Madara-san was instructed by Aizawa-san to do a test on 1-A, which is what he did. Even if went a little bit too far, he did what was asked of him. So, no, if you want me to expel him, that won't happen, Toshinori. Now, let us get back to our conversation, good day."

"No Nezu! He sent an entire class to the nurse! That is something that cannot go unpunished! I will have to punish him myself, by sending him to the hospital if I have to!" The blond exclaimed to the chimera, common sense having left his mind as soon as he saw the condition of the students. He was going to beat a lesson into the kid, no matter what.

Madara stood up from his spot, Aizawa's black eyes trailing him as he moved until he was in front of All Might, large gunbai in his hands. The two adults who were originally in the room to stop the teen from doing what he did next.

The raven-haired teen proceeded to kick the man standing at the door's chin, the impact sending the hero across the hallway. All Might kept rolling as he flew across the long hallway, until his rolling body reached a wall and got blasted through the material of the wall and fell into a sakura tree, knocked out from the amount of impact he faced.

"Arigato Madara-san, but I will need to have Cementoss fix that wall. Now, let's get back to what Aizawa-san was saying."

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