十一: The Vanquished Exist With the Concept of Victors

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(Here is the next chapter, I hope it is good. See y'all next time! And from all of your complaints, I have edited that sentence to be in English. I am very horribly sorry for whatever awful things I have caused for not just having it in English, please forgive me for my sin.)

"Kon'nichiwa Madara-san, how was your mission? I see you have rescued the shōjo from Overhaul, so I bet it went perfectly fine?" Nezu asked the teen who walked in the office with Eri holding one of his hands.

"Hai, the mission went well. I killed the leader Overhaul and burned down all of the evidence and papers they had on Eri and the things they did to her," Madara informed the chimera principle of the events yesterday.

"Oh, is Eri her name?" Nezu looked at Eri, getting a shy nod from her. "What are you going to do with her? She will need a home, unless you are going to adopt her? And would Eri like you to be her father if you choose to adopt her?" Once the chimera talked about Eri being adopted by Madara, the little girl's cherry eyes sparkled with slight excitement.

The raven looked down to see the expression on the child's face, wanting to see if he should go with his original plan. The happiness showing in Eri's eyes and face, gave him the idea that she wanted to be adopted by him. "Hn. I was planning on adopting her," he then went down to the child's level as he continued. "Would you like to be adopted by me?"

Eri nodded her head with great glee, giving a small smile to her almost adopted father. Nezu saw this and smiled, happy that Madara was going to be able to connect with his now adopted daughter. "Well then, I will get some paperwork so we can make it official. Eri will now be known as Uchiha Eri. Now, if that is all, you can leave Eri here and do what you need to, or you can bring her with you."

"I will be taking her with me to meet the staff, since I would like her to know who they are and we have the dorms. She will be seeing the staff often, since my dorm is next to Aizawa's. Now I will be taking my leave, sayōnara," the door in the office closed as the father-daughter pair left to see the other teachers and staff members.


"Otōsan, what are we having for dinner tonight?" Eri asked, holding her fathers hand as she skipped happily to the dorm building and into the kitchen.

"We are going to have some curry rice and some yakult* to go with it. How does that sound Eri?" Madara asked his daughter, seeing if she would want it or not. Even if the bluish-white haired child wasn't very picky, it was safer to just make sure she would want the dish and drink.

"That sounds yummy!" Eri happily giggled, she had heard of yakult when one of the staff members was introduced to her two weeks ago. She heard about how the drink was a sweet, special type of milk that helped the belly and other things like that. The child had always wanted to try it.

The two finally made it to the kitchen dorm, Madara placing the girl down in the living room to watch a children's cartoon kids would watch daily. The cartoon was one of her found favorites, called 'Chibi Maruko-chan'.

After Eri was fully engaged in the children's cartoon, Madara began cooking tonight's meal, starting with the curry first. Getting the onions, potatoes and carrots out of the fridge in the kitchen, along with some beef, the raven began to create the meal of the night.

To make the cooking easier, the teen male activated his Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan. His only visible eyes turned blood-red, a strange black design in the eye. The design had three sets of circles, looking like curved teardrops, three slightly thick lines in between the teardrop-like part of the design. A small black dot was placed in the middle of the blood-red eyes, acting as a pupil for the eye.

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