十四: A Series of Relationships That Can't Be Seperated

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(Sorry this chapter is so short! Didn't know what to do with this arc, so try to enjoy!)

The race had ended, Izumi was first place, followed by Katsuki and Shoto. Currently, the contestants who made it into the top 42 spots were doing the second round of the event, the Cavalry Battle.

Midnight and Madara watched as the teens fought each other like wild animals, trying to snatch the bands on some of their heads. Aizawa and Mic in the observation booth commented on the rally of children fighting for other's entertainment.


The time had finally come, the final battle of the Battle Tournament with Izumi being the victor. Midnight exclaimed to the audience, "We have something special going on this year! We will have Yagi Izumi face Uchiha Madara in a battle to truly see who will be number one!"

The crowd cheered in excitement, surprised and glad that they would get to see the raven-haired student fight the student who proved to be amongst the top students in strength.

Izumi meanwhile, was in slight shock. The golden-blonde didn't know much about Madara's quirk, or how he fought, since every time she saw the teen male fought he was too fast for her to track.

"I need Uchiha Madara and Yagi Izumi to come down to the stadium for the final battle!"

Izumi walked from her place in the stands, face showing nervousness but some slight confidence. As she got to the edge of the fighting arena, she saw Madara stand on his side with a cold and calculating face. The golden-blonde swallowed hard at the look, she didn't understand why he was giving her that look. She had never met this person before coming to U.A, so Izumi should ask him why he is the way he is. But right now, she has to focus on her battle with said raven teen.

"And, begin!"

The two teens ran at each other, forearms clashing with each attack. Izumi was the first to back away, grabbing onto the forearm she used to block Madara's own. The forearm felt painful after she moved away, how in the world did that happen? They didn't put that much pressure on impact, right?

The golden-blond didn't have much time to think about that when the raven zoomed over to her, about to connect a kick to her abdomen. She barely had time to use her arms to block the attack, sending her across the battlefield.

Izumi struggled to get back up, her abdomen still having been struck harshly even after trying to block the attack. Her forearm she used for the first movement of the fight hurt even more now, being in front of the other forearm as an attempt to block the raven's foot. She couldn't even get up all the way before she felt a pressure on her neck appear and disappear. Izumi saw her vision go sideways, and finally blacking out as she hit her head on the concrete field.

Bots appeared, putting the unconscious teen onto a stretcher and rolling her to Recovery Girl's office.  Midnight walked over to Madara, putting one of his hands in the air with her free one. "And our winner is Uchiha Madara!"

The crowd erupted in cheers and screams of joy at the declaration of the winner. All Might watched as this happened, anger written all over his face seeing his daughter be beaten up without much of a fight.

"Uchiha Madara, I will make you regret that."

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