ニ十一: The Ghost of the Uchiha

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(I tried to not make the torture of the two that long, so yeah. The last chapter might be short and possibly have a sneak peak for something I might write)

Katsuki's vision starts to fade back from the darkness it was shrouded in before. The last thing he knew was that Madara had snuck up behind him as he walked in an alleyway home. He must have chopped his necks and brought him here, but he couldn't see the dual haired boy inside the dim room.

"Where am I? Where is Shoto!? Show yourself you coward!" Katsuki shouts, being bound by cuffs attached to the ceiling as he hangs above the ground. The chains rattle loudly as he shuffles and shakes to get out of the cuffs, which seem to be quirk-canceling. He looked down as saw he was only in his boxer briefs and in nothing else, making him even more angry and curious on why he was like this at the present time.

Out of the shadows, Madara walks out slowly. His one visible eye shows his activated Eternal Mangekyō Sharingan, a blade shaped like a third dimensional kite with a small wrapped end and a hollowed out circle in his hand.

"Why am I here?! What is with that stupid looking knife in your hand huh?! Where is Shoto!? Tell me now you bastard!?" Katsuki yelled, outraged at how he was at a disadvantage by being hung from the ceiling by quirk-canceling cuffs in a dingy and dim room in a place he didn't know.

"You will know why once I start," Madara says bluntly and coldly, he slowly walks to the blond teen who was being hung by the cuffs on his wrists. His kunai's gray steel gleaming in the small amount of light coming from the light attached to the ceiling.

The raven then stood in front of Katsuki, his blood-red eyes full of nothing but hatred, malice and an almost sadistic glee as the sharp kunai's edge cut into the other's skin above the supraspinatus muscle in Katsuki's right arm.

As the small blade cut itself into his skin and exposed his supraspinatus muscle, the blonde screamed loudly in agony and pain. He watched as the blade fully cut off that small section of the skin, the red and pink fibers that make up his collarbone muscles.

Small trickles of blood started to sprout from the ends and in betweens of the muscle fibers. The red liquid slowly poured out from Katsuki's body and onto the floor, the sounds of dripping echoing around the walls of the room.

This continued for what seemed like an endless amount of time, as little by little Katsuki's flesh was cut off from his body, exposing the fibers of muscle and veins of blood and even some bone from each and every cut from Madara's kunai.

Right now, most of Katsuki's skin was now completely cut off from his flesh and starting to decompose in a bucket. The smell of the flesh decaying and the stench of his muscle fibers also starting to decompose filled the room.

The blonde's vision started to blur, all gathered lights around him seeming to blind him as his eyelids got heavier and heavier. Katsuki looked at the blob of raven black in front of him as he only said one thing, in a weak and hoarse voice from all of his screaming.



Shoto hung in another room, in the same cuffs that Katsuki wore. The light was dim, dimmer than Katsuki's room, but the light shined above Shoto.

As he hung there, the bamboo shoot inside of his body stuck out through his back, dripping crimson blood onto the dual haired boy. His wrists bruised from the hold of the cuffs, black and blue skin swelling from its grip. Blood pours out of the bottom of his body, where the bamboo shoot began to impale him slowly.

If his spirit was looking down onto his mutilated corpse held up by the cuffs and the bamboo through his body, the only thing he would be thinking would be that this was karma. Karma for all his mistakes, all the harm he caused to that boy all those years ago, a boy who trusted them all and would never betray that thrust.

But it was now too late, he was dead and he would never be able to ask for forgiveness. Too late to beg to be forgiven for betraying Izuku, to beg for his siblings to forgive him for hurting and betraying his friend, to beg every Kami to exist for forgiveness. But that won't be possible, not now and certainly not ever....

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