六: Pain

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(Here is another chapter, and I hope it's good! See y'all next time!)

Izumi groaned, slowly getting her back off the silk mattress of her bed. The soft sheets of light lavender silk with fulgrim pink and orchid blankets made up the bed of one Yagi Izumi, the 15-year-old daughter of Yagi Inko and Yagi Toshinori, and being the younger twin of Yagi Izuku, her aniki.

The golden-blond got up from her bed, walking to her dresser in her usu koubai blossom pink bunny slippers. Her golden hair was in a high ponytail, making sure her hair didn't make many knots in her hair as she slept. Izumi grabbed out a pair of black and green-lined sweatpants and a black and frosted blueberry blue lined tank top.

She looked at a small picture frame on her dresser, picking it up. Four figures were in the photo, a woman with fern green hair and eyes next to a man with golden hair and cerulean blue eyes. Below them were two children, one with raven hair and onyx eyes standing next to a girl with golden hair and cerulean eyes. All of them smiling together, the waters of Takoba Beach behind them.

Small tears started to form inside the teens eyes, but she quickly rubbed them away as she went to the bathroom near her room, setting down the picture.

Izumi walked out of the bathroom with today's outfit on, going down the stairs to see her mother in the kitchen making something for breakfast. Inko hadn't lost her looks or power since she had lost her son, but she and her husband had been fighting a lot. She cried herself to sleep most of the time, gaining dark circles under her eyes.

"Ohayōgozaimasu* kaa-san! What's for asagohan*?" Izumi exclaimed as she greeted her mother. The smell of breakfast smelt heavenly, like a mothers cooking should smell.

"Ohayō musume*, I am making some tamagoyaki*, yudofu*, and ocha*. Is that alright? I wanna make sure you have a healthy breakfast for the U.A entrance exam! I want my Izumi-chan to become a great hero, it's what Izuku would have wanted," Inko told her daughter, tearing up when she mentioned her lost son. Last year, he had been announced as most likely dead, since nobody could find the young child.

The mother continued to cook the breakfast, the mouth-watering smells swirling around the daidokoro* and seeped more into the rest of the house. "Asagohan is ready musume!" Inko announced after around five minutes.

Izumi's eyes sparkled as she saw the delicious meal in front of her. The tamagoyaki had shrimp and peppers inside of the rolled egg that made the dish, steam came from the soy sauce-covered yudofu and smelt amazing, and the ocha was in a chawan* with sakura painted onto it. Inko set some of the dishes for her, clasping her hashi* into her hands.

"Itadakimasu!*" the two females announced before they proceeded to eat their food. Today had been going good, and the entrance exam would make the future come closer than they had ever hoped.



Snipe, Aizawa and Madara walked into the meeting room of the pro heroes working at U.A. The two heroes are in front of the teen they found. Snipe opened the door as he and the underground hero walked into the room where the other U.A staff were sitting, looking at the two heroes open and close the door.

"Snipe, Eraserhead, did you find what I asked you two of?" A chimera asked the two heroes, sitting at the edge of the long marble table the heroes sat at. He had on a simple white dress shirt with a dark red tie around his neck, complimented by his black double-breasted waistcoat and dress pants.

Aizawa cleared his throat a little before he answered the chimera at the table, "Yes, we have found someone who could be the person you have asked us to find. And he has amazing power and even more potential for him to grow off of. I hope whatever you want with him is worth it Nezu, he is kinda feisty." He knocked on the door behind him, signaling the person behind it to come out.

The door opened to reveal Madara through the door. He had on a dark blue high-collared, long sleeve mantle. It split down the lower half and was held by a simple, light-brown obi. His raven hair was still down, having it flow down his back freely.

"Who was the one who wanted to see me?" Madara's smooth and deep voice boomed throughout the room. His chakra spilled around the room little by little.

"I have summoned you here. I gained interest in you and I have a small offer for you, if you listen to me," Nezu told the teen in front of him as the other looked straight at him, his eyes blood red with a strange pattern in black.

"Calm down please, my staff understand your anger for the situation. I will explain everything, but I need to know your name first," the chimera reassured the raven-haired male standing in his office.

Madara concealed his chakra again, making the heroes in the room calm down. They had been shivering and shaking in fear from the person who walked into their meeting room.

"My name is Uchiha Madara."



"Help me! Somebody please help me! I'm stuck under rubble! HELP!" A voice screamed out in terror as many people ran away from the huge robot stomped its way to their direction.

Izumi heard the voice of the person, her heroic nature going to high gear and she used 2% of One for All to boost her legs. She sprinted as fast as she could to the person, looking all over the rubble until she saw a person with chestnut brown hair.

The golden-haired teen lifted up the rubble from the person and took them into her arms, but the robot almost crushed them. Izumi only had one thing to do, use 100% of One for All and put it into her legs as she ran with the person in her arms.

Once she got to the exit, she let go of the person and suddenly fainted, both of her legs broken from using too much of her father's quirk.


The teachers and Madara stood in an observation room, a huge screen showing different sections of the exam through the cameras scattered around the area. They examined each of the teens' abilities, quirk and their score of the written portion of the exam.

"So, Madara-san, what do you think of the candidates? Since some of them will be your classmates for the next 3 years and all," Nezu asked Madara, who stood next to his chair in the center of the room.

Madara gave a small 'Hn' in response, something that wasn't uncommon for the Uchiha to do. It was like it was a habit, or ran in his family. The chimera just nodded to the other, almost like he understood exactly what he meant.

A female hero who was standing near the two people then asked the chimera, "Hey, Nezu, where are All Might and Jade Mistress at? Shouldn't they be here with us?"

Aizawa answered the female hero's question before for the chimera, "Their daughter had gotten seriously injured during the exam, so they both are in Recovery Girl's office."

The female gave a small 'Okay' to Aizawa as she watched with most of the others as the exam finally ended. Some stayed to help the principal decide who should be enrolled at the school and into what class, while the rest started leaving.

"Let's go Madara, we will worry about your classmates when school starts. We can train in the meantime," Aizawa told his oldest student as he and the teen started walking out of the room. The rest of the students will have to catch up with Madara with lightning speed, if they ever wanted to fight equally with him.

(Authors Note)

*Ohayogozaimasu - Good morning
*Musume - Daughter (own)
*Asagohan - Breakfast
*Tagagoyaki - An egg dish, an omelette made with bits of other things like mushroom and shrimp
*Yudofu - Hot tofu
*Ocha - Green tea/tea
*Daidokoro - Kitchen
*Itadakimasu - Thank you for the meal


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