十九: I Will Create Such World

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(Sorry this took so long to make, and I hope you forgive me. Enjoy this chapter! And happy pride month!!!)

Inko walked to the office of the local government, holding a thin, light orange envelope filled with the paper titled 'Notice of Divorce' inside it. Her wide eyes were red and puffy from days worth of tears and cries for any Kami above to forgive her, to bring back both of her children. She knew this was for the best as she approached the building, slipping the envelope into the slot outside the building and walked away.


Madara and Eri walked into Nezu's office, having been called there as the father and daughter were walking to the lunchroom. "Principal Nezu, what do you need of me?"

"Ah yes, I wanted to recommend something to you, Madara. Instead of doing the students vs. staff battles at school today, would you like to take the provisional license exam early? A provisional license will grant you the ability to use your quirk out in public for heroic intention. Would you want to do that?" The chimera asked the raven teen, seeing the little girl who was holding his hand wanting her father to do what he thought was best. She would probably have to be watched by a hero in the exam as Madara took it, or even the teen would have to use those clones of his so she could be protected.

"I will compete in the exam at earliest. Eri will accompany me and watch in the stands with a clone I will make."

"Good," Nezu replied, grabbing a paper about the exam. "This paper has the earliest date for the exam, which will be tomorrow at the set location and time. Other students from other schools, mostly second and third years, will be participating. You can go back to your dorm, even if the day isn't over, I will allow it and tell Aizawa about it."

Eri gave Nezu a childish wave goodbye as she and Madara walked out of the spacious office. The bluish-white haired child skipped out as she held her father's hand, happily following him out of the school and into their dorm in the staff dorm building.

The child noticed it was lunchtime and they were called to the principal's office before they could go to lunch. "Otōsan, what are we going to have for lunch today? We didn't get to go to the lunchroom when Nezu-san called for you."

"How does katsudon sound? Would you like to help me make it?" Eri's eyes sparkled at the thought of helping her father make some delicious food. She nodded quickly excitedly, hopping in the air as they went inside the kitchen of the staff dorms.

"First, grab out the pork chops for me Eri," Madara told the child as he brought out flour, two shallow bowls, an egg, a whisk and a package of panko.

Eri got the pounded pork chops from the fridge, wrapped in a plastic wrap and sitting on a white plate. She carefully placed the plate of pork chops onto the countertop and removed the plastic wrap from it.

"Now we need to put some salt, pepper and flour onto the pork. Can you do that while I get the egg ready?"

Eri nodded her head, putting salt and pepper onto the pounded meat, then spreading a light and even amount of flour onto them. Madara then cracked the egg shell against the side of a shallow bowl, putting the yolk into it and beating it with a whisk.

The two continued to make the katsudon, enjoying the time together as the pork sizzled on the pan to a nice golden brown. enjoying each other's presence as they finished making their lunch, eating together as a family when they never had a true family.


Madara stood in front of the Takoba National Stadium, where the Provisional Hero License Exam is taking place. His hand held onto Eri's, who was looking at the huge stadium with wide eyes. She knew her father had to face many people his age or a little older in the stadium, but she never thought it would be that big. What if she got lost? Or taken away?

"Don't worry Eri, I will have a clone watch over you," the raven said to his daughter, having sensed her concern and worry through her aura.

The little girl nodded, feeling better from her father's words. Seeing this, the teen began leading her into the stadium. At the front, there is a registration booth for contestants and a small ticket dispenser on the counter for those watching the event. Madara walked up to the booth, giving his name and getting a ticket for Eri to watch him.

After they walked away, Madara easily made a clone for Eri to be watched by, who leased her to the stadium seats. Meanwhile, the raven went into the examiners room, where over 1500 teen hero students stood and waited for the person who would explain the exam.

After around 10 minutes, a beige-haired sleep-deprived man stepped out and went behind the big podium and introduced himself as Mera Yokumiru, the man who was going to explain the exam.

"Now only 100 out of all 1540 of you will be participating in the actual exam. But before that, every one of you will be competing in the very first exam to see who will be in those 100 students."

Mera continues to explain the first test of the exam, saying that the goal was to take down two people by throwing the six balls they get onto the three targets each person has.

"Now I want you all to go near the closed door that leads to the stadium and get those targets on and grab six balls, then we can start this exam."

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