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____________c h a p t e r  f i v e

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c h a p t e r f i v e

The next day, Bianca wakes up bright and early, getting up with a pep in her step. She finishes breakfast, which was more like lunch, and goes to do her hair. Liking the way the waves from her braid looked, she simply pins back a piece on both sides with barrettes.

Putting on her dress and looking in the mirror, she smiles at herself, satisfied with the outfit. Her dad comes in shortly after, leaning in the doorway.

"You look pretty. What are you doing today?"

"I have a date with Mike."

"Have fun, don't be out too late."

"I won't," she smiles, running downstairs and straight outside.


Her knocks on the Wheeler front door are accompanied by Karen's smile. "Hello, Bianca. You look gorgeous as ever. What are you and Mike up to today?"

"Thank you, Mrs. Wheeler. Ice cream sundaes," she smiles back. "Anything fun in your plans?"

"Holly and I are going to the pool. Right, Holly?" she looks down at the little girl.


"Wow, that sounds fun," she grins at Holly.

"Are you coming?"

"Aw, no, she and Mike have plans today."

"Yeah, but I promise, I will come to the pool with you guys one day, okay?"

"Okay!" she then runs off to the living room, continuing her cartoons.

"She's so full of energy lately. Come in. Mike's in the basement, as always."

"Of course he is," she laughs. "Thank you again."

"You're always welcome, sweetheart," she nods, and Bianca heads downstairs to find Mike pacing.

"Why are you so stressed out?" she sits on the couch.

"I can't go out today," he blurts out, and she frowns.

"Why not?"

"My nana's sick."


"Yeah, we think she might even die."

"Your mom seemed fine when I came in. She's even going to the pool with Holly."

"She's putting on a great act," she shakes his head, feigning sadness.

"Mike, what's really up? If-If you don't want to hang out, it's fine, you can tell me."

"I always wanna hang out with you. Come on, I called you every night you were at camp. I'm just... really upset about Nana. I'd honestly like to be alone," he sighs dramatically.

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