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_________c h a p t e r  n i n e t e e n

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c h a p t e r  n i n e t e e n

Over at Hawkins Memorial, the group walks in, spotting the receptionist having a heated conversation at the desk.

Thinking this is their chance to slide past, they try, ending up right on her radar.

"Uh, where do you think you're going?" she stands, looking them over as if they were crazy.

Dawn and Nancy step forward with sweet smiles, telling her, "We were just going to see our grandma again."

"And this-" Nancy glances at the group, trailing off a bit. "This is our family."

The nurse looks pointedly at Lucas and Bianca standing next to each other, clearly sticking out like sore thumbs.

"Extended," the two grin.

"I don't care who they are. You know the rules, two visitors at a time," she chides.

"Well, yeah, but-"

"Two!" she cuts Dawn off, putting up two fingers for emphasis.

"Nancy and Jonathan, you go," Dawn sighs, pushing the kids towards the waiting room.

Mike and Lucas immediately rush to the vending machine, while Dawn shows El a magazine, introducing herself as well.

Bianca attempts to listen to Dawn too, but gets distracted by Mike's shouts of frustration. She walks over as he and Lucas start to hit the machine, pushing them out of the way.

She types in a series of numbers, watching as the snacks all start to drop down. "You're welcome."

"Thanks," Mike smiles softly as she goes to sit down.

Lucas nudges the boy as he continues to stare. "You said she talked to you last night, right?"

"Barely, but yes," he nods.



"That was the olive branch! She was giving you an opening to make things right," he explains. "What would you do without me?"

"How was I supposed to know?"

"Because you've been friends with her since the third grade?"

"Yeah, but that was Bee, my best friend. This is Bianca, my girlfriend-- Ex girlfriend."

"Try to remember that this kind of thinking is what got you in this mess in the first place. I'll distract Max," he assures, slowly building up the boy's confidence before pulling the redhead aside.

Mike takes a breath before walking up to Bianca, holding out a Reese's cup.

She raises her eyebrow before reaching for it, eyeing him suspiciously. "Thanks."

SINISTER ~ STRANGER THINGS (2)Where stories live. Discover now