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__________c h a p t e r  f o u r t y - e i g h t

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c h a p t e r f o u r t y - e i g h t

"Bianca, you need to breathe," Mike grabs her shoulders, growing panicked at her hyperventilation.

"Don't you think I'm trying?" she shrieks. "Tho-Those guys shot at us!"

"I know, but we're fine," Will adds.

"He's not!" she points to the dead agent lying next to her foot. "His blood is on my freaking Converse. We were this close, this close, and they just barely missed! I swear I felt a bullet go through my hair."

"A bullet didn't go through your hair," Mike assures.

"How do you know that?" she shakes her head. "Why are you guys so calm?"

"Because we've been chased by worse than guys with big guns. So have you, remember? Demogorgon, Mind Flayer, Demodogs, any of this ringing a bell?"

She narrows her eyes for a moment, processing what he said. "Right, well, um, excuse me for freaking out, I've never been shot at before!"

"Jesus Christ," Jonathan groans. "Bianca, we're fine. You're not dead, please stop clutching your necklace like it's gonna fly away. We are gonna bury this guy, then find El and get back home, okay? It'll be fine."

She then releases the death grip that she had on the rosary, scooting as far away from the boys as she could, turning to the window.

"Bianca," Mike taps her shoulder, only for her to yank it away.

"Stop, I'm fine. Let's just get the hell away from here," she keeps her eyes planted on the moon, which was the only source of light at this time of night.


"Morning," Sam smiles to Max, as she finds a spot at the kitchen table next to her.

Everyone else was still asleep, minus Karen and Ted, who were more than awake, getting ready for the day.

"Sam, good morning!" Karen grins. "God, I can't tell you how glad I am that you and Nancy are finally getting close. She could use a Flores in her life. It's a shame Mike and Bianca couldn't work things out."

"Right," Sam hesitantly nods. "Sorry if we're intruding, we just feel so freaked out after Chrissy."

"I can't even imagine, I know you girls were on the squad together. You are all always welcome, you know that."

"Always?" Ted grumbles from behind the newspaper. "I don't recall having ten children."

"Ignore him. Your mom is worried, though. I convinced her to let you all hang out for the day, but she wants you home tonight," Karen continues, handing her a plate of pancakes.

"Okay," Sam nods, biting her lip nervously. "Do you mind if I have a cup of coffee?"

"Of course not, have as much as you like," the blonde hands her a mug.

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