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The cops finally arrive at the Driscoll house, and Dawn simply points downstairs, eyes still wide in shock.

They're able to strap her to a gurney, much to her dismay. She continues to shout about going back somewhere, how she had to go back.

Finally, they load her onto the ambulance as the teenagers watch, having not expected that when they arrived at her house.

Officer Callahan turns to them in equal shock, probably moreso since he didn't have the knowledge about the town that they did. "Okay so, do the three of you want to tell me what in the name of Jesus just happened here?"

"I came to pick up her cat's treats. She wanted me to take him for the week until she could get rid of the rat problem she was having."

"And we came to ask her a question about the rat problem," Nancy adds.

"But she wasn't answering the door and we got worried because Mrs. Driscoll always answers the door. It's how I used to sell like 80% of my Girl Scout cookies as a kid. So I just used the spare key."

"And when we walked in, she was... like that," Jonathan points to where the ambulance just drove away.

"So you broke in?"

"She told me where the spare key was. It's not breaking in if you're not breaking."

"Okay, so you trespassed."

"Who knows what would've happened if we didn't come here?"

"Listen, I get that, but her family, and their lawyers might not."

"Well, they can take it up with me. Her employee," Dawn bites back, walking off to her van.

Nancy and Jonathan do the same, realizing Callahan couldn't really do anything to them right now.

All three of them drive home not being able to erase the image of the woman from their minds. Nancy knew one thing, she needed to find out what was going on. Surprisingly, Dawn wouldn't be opposed to tagging along for the ride.


The girls storm into the house shortly after, immediately shedding their wet coats and removing their shoes.


"Oh, you're just in time. I was just about to make-"

"Please say thunderstorm hot cocoa," Sam walks into the kitchen, having just entered the house.

"Of course. Hello Max, and Jane. Wait, you go by your middle name, no? El?" Gianna greets them.


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