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________c h a p t e r  t h i r t y - o n e

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c h a p t e r  t h i r t y - o n e

"Okay, so tell me, what exactly is Hawkins High's best student doing this Saturday?" Tim sits next to Bianca at her, Sam, Robin, Michelle and Max's lunch table.

That's right, things hadn't just changed between her and Mike, they changed for everyone. When the boys joined Hellfire, they tried to get Bianca to play, but she flat out refused, not wanting anything to do with the game anymore. They tried to coax an explanation out of her, but eventually gave up once they realized she was not gonna budge.

And honestly, if she wasn't gonna play for Will, who would she play for?

Then, they started sitting at Eddie's lunch table, and while Bianca loved Mike and Dustin, she was not gonna listen to another rant about forced conformity by the Munson boy. Nothing against him, she'd just rather talk to Robin and Michelle about movies or Sam about music and fashion.

Also, she didn't want to leave Max alone, even though it seemed the girl was drifting further away with each passing minute.

Max was off somewhere, but Sam, Michelle and Robin were present, made clear from the mischievous grins they were sporting.

"She will be on a flight to California," Bianca shrugs, stealing some of Sam's grapes.

"Get your own!"

"I packed your lunch, this is mine," she glares, taking a few more, before turning back to the boy. "You were saying?"

"Well, I was gonna get us two tickets for April Fool's Day, but I see I'm just going to have to wait til we get back from break," he explains, a little disappointment in his voice.

"How exactly were you two planning on getting into an R-rated movie?" Michelle raises her eyebrows.

"Well, I figured since you love us so much, you would love to sneak us in," he suggests.

"The kids are so cocky these days," she shakes her head.

"Well, when I get back, I'd love to go," Bianca grins. "I'm just going out there to visit some friends."

"Cool, cool," he smiles. "Coming to the game tonight? Lucas... begged me to ask you."

"Oh, Lucas begged you?" Bianca chuckles. "Yes, I wouldn't miss it."

"Great. Quick question," he raises his eyebrows, looking across the room. "Did I do something to your friend Mike?"

Sam snorts at that, quickly occupying herself with the Coke she was drinking when Bianca glares at her.

"No, why?" she furrows her eyebrows.

"He's giving me a death stare right now," he nods his head over to the Hellfire table.

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