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__________c h a p t e r  f i f t y

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c h a p t e r f i f t y

"What exactly are we supposed to be looking for in this shit hole?" Steve questions as he yanks out the nails on one side, Sam working on the other.

"Um, I don't know. Like anything that tells us something real about Vecna?" she shrugs.

"Yeah, we know the house is important to him."

"Because Max saw it in Vecna's red soup mind world?"

"Yes, but also because this is the first place that we know Vecna attacked," she adds.

"Maybe it holds a clue to where Vecna is. Why he's back. Why he killed the Creels. And how to stop him before he comes back for Max or Sam."

"We... don't think he's in here, do we?" Lucas speaks up, hesitation in his tone.

"Guess we'll find out."

"Mhm," Steve nods to Sam, prompting her to step away from the blockade on the door, letting it fall to the ground.

Immediately, he tries the doorknob, which rattles but doesn't move the door at all. "It's locked."

"Did you expect that they went through the trouble of boarding the door up just to leave it unlocked?" Sam raises an eyebrow, an amused smirk on her face.

"It was a possibility," he defends, giving her a playful glare. "Should I knock, see if anybody's home?"

"No need. I found a key," Robin interjects, holding a brick.

"I like the way you think, Buckley," Sam grins, stepping out of the way for her to toss it through the window.

Once she does, Steve slowly reaches his hand in, feeling for the lock.

"Careful," Sam warns, just as he unlocks it.

They walk in, all scanning the room for any signs of the creature, before looking around the house.

Sam pulls out a flashlight from her bookbag, in awe of the time capsule that this place was.

Lucas tries the lightswitch, but of course, it doesn't work, leaving them bathed in the dark, only lit by the sun peeking in from outside.

"Looks like someone forgot to pay the light bill," he sighs, prompting everyone to turn their flashlights on.

Steve furrows his eyebrows at that, questioning, "Where'd everyone get those?"

"Do you need to be told everything?" Dustin remarks. "You're not a child."

"Thank you," he sarcastically responds, taking the bookbag from his hands.

"Back pocket."

Sam chuckles a bit at the exchange, giving Steve a sympathetic pat on the shoulder before shining her light around the room, looking for clues until she stops on the grandfather clock in the corner.

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