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c h a p t e r  t w e l v e

The next morning comes, with the girls tangled in the small bed, Bianca practically halfway on the ground, Max's legs hanging off, and El's head on the edge.

They're abruptly woken up by the walkie going off incessantly. It startles Bianca enough for her to fall on the ground, groaning in pain and annoyance.

Once she realizes it's Lucas' voice coming through the speaker, she grabs the radio from the ground, clicking the button. "I will literally murder you if I hear another word."

She then tosses it aside, where Max goes as far as to push the antenna down to prevent further contact.

Just as they get comfortable again, eyes starting to drift closed, the phone starts ringing. Very loudly.

"Jesus Christ," the brunette wipes her eyes, stomping to the pink phone sitting on her desk.

"Lucas, you better be dead and calling from the grave or so help me, God-" she begins to spew insults, only to get cut off by Mike's voice.

"It's me. Don't hang up. Something happened, something bad. Our very lives could be at stake," he stresses.

"What the hell are you talking about? Look, we're trying to sleep-"

"Just come over to my house. We'll explain everything. Hurry," he says before hanging up, which leaves her confused.

Max and El fully wake up, sitting up with their eyebrows raised.

"Guess you might be on to something, El," she shrugs, a yawn forcing its way out as she searches for an outfit.

"What happened?"

"He said something really bad happened and that we need to come over right now," she explains, grabbing her toothbrush.

"Girls, breakfast will be ready in 5!" Gianna yells, earning a noise of recognition from Bianca and a loud groan from Sam's end of the hallway.

"So we're going?"

"We needed to tell them what El saw anyway. Kill two birds with one stone, right?" she shrugs, before brushing her teeth.

"Right," Max nods, her and El beginning to brush their teeth as well.

"You think we'll be running for our lives today?" the brunette questions as she analyzes two outfits, one being a skirt set she'd just bought from the Gap, and the other being a simple pair of shorts and a striped t-shirt.

"Doubt it. For all we know, they're just tricking us to get us to take them back," Max shakes her head, which earns some chuckles.

"Skirt it is then," Bianca grabs it, each girl going to change.

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