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_________c h a p t e r  s e v e n t e e n

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c h a p t e r  s e v e n t e e n

Over at Starcourt, Sam and Robin were attempting to find a way out of the room. After eight hours, they still had no luck.

"Maybe we could hack it? Like pull some wires, make it shoot back up," Sam suggests.

"Do you know a tech wizard?"

"Yes, but she's unfortunately not on this elevator," she sighs, inspecting the keypad as Dustin continues to try to contact someone over the radio on top of the elevator.

Steve climbs up after him, and shortly after, a stream of liquid hits the wall, prompting Sam and Robin to gag.

"Can you redirect your stream, please?"

"Like immediately?"

It continues to hit the wall, and the girls share a look of disgust, turning away. Of course, one problem comes after another, with Erica trying to break one of the containers full of the green substance.

Sam runs over first, taking the container out of the girl's hands as Robin shouts, "Hey, hey. Careful, careful! You don't even know what that is."

"Exactly, it could be useful," Erica argues, and Sam wipes her face in frustration.

"In what-- In what world is this useful?" Sam holds it up, exasperation in her tone.

The hours spent locked in here were really starting to get to her. She needed food, a shower, sleep, and to not be aggravated by a child.

"We can survive down here a long time without food, but if the human body does not get water, it will die."

"Does this look like water to you?"

"No, but it does look like a liquid, and if it comes down to me drinking that shit or dying of thirst, I drink," she tilts her head triumphantly.

"Jesus," she hands her the container.

Robin turns away with an eye roll, distracted by motion coming from the other side of the door.

"Sam, do you hear that?"

"Um," the brunette goes to lean against the door, eyes widening at the sound.

It sounded like wheels approaching closer and closer. Wheels were typically on a vehicle which are accompanied by a person. Ergo, they were in deep shit.

Robin sticks her head up the opening above the elevator, warning Dustin and Steve, "We've got company."

As the blonde does so, Sam helps Erica climb up as well, finally climbing up herself. The group silently listens as the workers come in, talk a bit, and walk back out.

Recognizing their small window of opportunity, Steve grabs the container Erica was holding, jumping down and placing it under the door before it could close.

SINISTER ~ STRANGER THINGS (2)Where stories live. Discover now