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__________c h a p t e r  f o u r t y - f i v e

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c h a p t e r  f o u r t y - f i v e

One of the beauties of Robin and Sam's friendship? They could bond over shared disgust. Like right now, where they were mutually losing it over Nancy's wardrobe.

They'd finally made it to Pennhurst, getting out of Nancy's car with irritation in their eyes.

Robin was much worse off, as Sam was at least familiar with clothes of that style, even though the fully buttoned top was starting to irritate her neck and her feet felt awkward being this low to the ground.

"I can't breathe in this thing, and I'm itchy," Robin complains, stumbling in the kitten heels. "I'm itching all over."

"It's not all about comfort."

"Yeah, but this fabric is awful," Sam looks down at her blazer. "I've gotta tell my mom to recommend some stores to Karen."

"Okay, we're academics."

"Do academics wear this much pastel? I feel like I'm in church," Sam eyes the blues, pinks, and yellows the other two were wearing. "On Easter."

"Yeah, we look like idiots," Robin agrees. "Also, this bra you gave me is really pinching my boobs."

"Maybe because you two aren't the same size?" Sam widens her eyes. "Why couldn't you keep your own bra?"

"Ask Nancy!"

"Okay, could you two let me do the talking?"

"Why? So you can offend the scholarly man?" Sam furrows her eyebrows.

"I know how to speak to people like him."

"With an air of entitlement and annoyance?" Sam teases. "I'm just saying, just because this guy is smart doesn't mean you have to go all snob."

"Just please let me do the talking. If that's even possible," she rolls her eyes.

"It's not only possible, it's inevitable, because shortly, I'll be dead from strangulation," Robin pulls at her collar.

They walk into the director's office, Sam immediately putting her polite, 'I-come-from-money' face on as Nancy hands him their resumes to read.

"Nice to meet you sir. I'm Ruth."



"Nice to meet you all. These are your resumes, I presume," he smiles, putting on his glasses.

"Yes," Sam nods, prompting him to read them.

"3.9 GPAs, all of you. Impressive."

"And this is a recommendation from Professor Brantley."

"Yeah, I know Larry. Quite well actually," he responds, and it takes everything in Sam not to giggle as she makes eye contact with Robin and Nancy.

"You know what they say," he continues. "Those who can't do, teach."

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