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_________c h a p t e r  t h i r t y

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c h a p t e r t h i r t y

Time is funny. One second, you're 11 years old playing DnD in your best friend's basement, the next you're 14, getting ready for a day in high school, wondering how you'll make it through four whole years if you can't even figure out who you are now.

Or maybe, one day you're sitting at the cool lunch table for the first time, hoping and praying nobody saw through your facade, and the next you're wondering how the hell to tell your boyfriend you're moving 700 miles away for college.

Time sucked.

"Bianca, let me borrow your mascara, I'm out," Sam bursts through the door, rollers still in her hair and pajamas still on her body.

"Sam, we're supposed to be leaving in ten minutes," Bianca scolds, rummaging through her dresser to find the tube.

"I know, I know," Sam takes it, quickly applying it in the mirror. "Couldn't sleep last night."

"Again?" Bianca frowns. "Mom and Dad are gonna send you to a shrink sooner or later."

"I'm fine, okay?" Sam pauses taking out her rollers to turn to Bianca. "Don't worry about me."

"You make it so hard not to," Bianca stuffs her textbooks in her bag.

"I'm seeing Mrs. Kelly, okay? Trust me, the only problem in my life is this stupid acceptance letter."

"Most people jump for joy when they get into a crazy good art school on a huge scholarship," Bianca puts her earrings in.

"Not when you have to tell your boyfriend that you're leaving him behind to move to a city that you're not even sure you belong in."

"Didn't you love it when you went to visit Dawn over winter break?"

"Yeah, but I've lived in Hawkins my entire life," she brushes her hair back, putting half of it into a high ponytail. "Can you put this ribbon in for me?"

The brunette gets up, carefully wrapping the green piece of fabric around her hair tie.

"Which is exactly why you need to get the hell out."

"Come on, girls, you're gonna be late!"

"Shit, shit, shit!" Sam runs back to her room, putting on her cheer uniform as quickly as possible and grabbing her bookbag.

As she makes it downstairs, Bianca was already done with her breakfast, holding out Sam's coffee thermos to her.

"Thank you, let's go," she grabs a banana and her car keys, running out of the house. "I'm staying over Robin's tonight!"

"Okay! God, it's like she's always running late these days," Gianna glances at the door in amusement, as Leo chuckles.

"You know how it is. Senior year, you feel like you have all the time in the world," he smiles.

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