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________c h a p t e r  t h i r t y - t h r e e

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c h a p t e r  t h i r t y - t h r e e

"Okay, we should probably head out, you know how Mom gets when you're home late," Sam wipes her hands, standing up. "I'll drop them off then meet you at yours?"

"Sounds perfect," he puts some cash on the table, leading the group back out into the parking lot.

"Please follow the speed limit and no putting lip gloss on while driving," he warns as the girls get in her car.

"Sir, yes, sir," she salutes, chuckling as she does so. "I would appreciate if everyone would stop questioning my license."

"We would appreciate not feeling like we're gonna die every time you're behind the wheel," Bianca retorts.

"See you in 30," Steve leans in the window, kissing her softly.

"Bye," she smiles, pulling off.

As soon as she does, Robin practically loses her mind. "You have to tell him. I can't keep this secret any longer."

"You said you're good at keeping secrets!" Sam retorts.

"I am, but it's been almost three weeks, and he keeps asking me if I got my acceptance letter yet, when I know he really just wants to know if you did."

"Okay, I'm sorry. I know it's wrong," she sighs, turning onto Maple Street. "I just don't know how to tell him."

"You really think he'd be mad at you for that?" Bianca raises an eyebrow.

"No, he won't be mad. He'll be completely supportive and so happy for me, but it's secretly gonna be killing him. I'm not just going to Indianapolis, I'm going to New York. We can scratch visiting on the weekends off the board."

"If I know Steve, I know he's probably gonna fill up that poor Beamer every Friday and drive those 12 hours. All because he loves you," Robin assures.

"I don't know... I just... Give me another week. I'll tell him, I swear," Sam parks in front of her house, letting Bianca out.

"Please make sure she upholds her promise," Bianca holds her hands up.

"I'll try, your sister is excellent at avoiding things. Fly safe."

"That she is."

"And again they talk about me like I'm not right here," Sam sarcastically remarks, before getting out.

She pulls Bianca in for a brief hug, reminding her, "Remember to call mom when you land or she'll have a heart attack, try not to kill Mike, and tell Will... Tell Will and El I said hi."

She has a lapse in memory at the end, knowing she wanted to tell Will something specific but simply couldn't remember what for the life of her.

"I can promise you I'll do two of those things."

SINISTER ~ STRANGER THINGS (2)Where stories live. Discover now