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_________c h a p t e r  s i x t e e n

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c h a p t e r s i x t e e n

Shortly after biking back to the Wheeler house, Bianca sits on the counter, wincing as Mike wipes at her cut.

"Never become a nurse," she hisses again.

"I'm sorry, it just keeps bleeding," he grimaces.

"It's because the head has blood vessels closer to the surface than other areas of the body," she explains, wincing yet again as he finally puts down the rag.

Once he makes sure the wound was no longer bleeding, he places a bandaid haphazardly across her hairline, luckily not sticking it to any hair.

"All good," he smiles softly, meeting her eyes as she returns the gesture.

"Thanks," she looks down. "For this and for taking the lead out there. I could've handled it myself, but, you know, thanks anyway."

"I know you could've. Probably would've kicked his ass," he chuckles.

She chuckles along with him, heart warming at his trust in her independence as she slowly let's down her guard against him.

"I just didn't want you to get hurt, it's no problem," he shrugs, leaning against the counter as well.

"Well, it was very nice of you," she nudges his shoulder with hers, getting ready to walk back into the main area.

"Oh, um..." he grabs her attention one more time, making her turn around. "You looked really pretty today."

She simply smiles, not just a smirk, but a full blown grin in response to his words.

She sits down next to Max once they get back inside, laying a blanket across El's sleeping form.

"You alright?" Bianca touches the redhead's arm, feeling sorry for what she had to witness today.

"Yeah. I just... I didn't want it to be him," she shakes her head.

"We're gonna get help, okay? We got it out of Will once, I'm sure we'll be able to do it again," Bianca assures with a soft smile.

"When-When Will was like this... Was it this bad?"

"Um," Bianca thinks back, not remembering Will's experience to be so encompassing in the way Billy was.

Maybe the Mind Flayer was stronger now or maybe it's because Billy was strong already, but it seemed worse.

"B," Max touches her hand, frantic eyes meeting hers. "Was it this bad?"

"It was... No. No, it wasn't," she shakes her head sadly. "But it doesn't mean it'll end badly. We're going to save him."

"Right. Right," she gets up, going to lay across the floor.

"Are you feeling okay, still?" Will whispers, not wanting to wake up everyone else.

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