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_________c h a p t e r  f o u r t y - n i n e

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c h a p t e r  f o u r t y - n i n e

As Argyle goes to "calm down," which was really just code for "get high out of his mind," Bianca, Mike and Will perch themselves on the hood of an old truck, discussing what the hell just happened.

"You can't let him get to you," Will assures, nodding to the pizza van. "He's stoned out of his mind. He doesn't even know what he's talking about."

"Actually, the problem is that he isn't stoned yet," Bianca corrects. "But the point still stands."

"But is he wrong?" Mike raises his eyebrows. "I mean, if that guy lived one more second, one more second, then we'd know where she is."

Bianca drops her head down at that, sighing, "God, why didn't he say the number? What difference would writing it have made?"

Bianca then gets off of the car, feeling trapped by the tense nature of the conversation. "I should finish digging. We need to get out of here soon."

"Bianca," Mike tries to call after her, but she ignores him, walking back to the shovels.

"Are you okay?" Jonathan approaches her, confused that she was continuing to cover an already hidden body.

"Fine," she mutters, turning back to the grave.

"Bianca, I think it's okay. Nobody's gonna see him."

"Are you an expert on graves now?"

"Are you?" he retorts, earning a glare. "Look, we're gonna find her and go save Hawkins like always. But that'll only work if we're all at our best."

"How much of what you just said do you actually believe?" she plants the shovel in the ground, crossing her arms.

He opens his mouth to defend himself, but gets interrupted by Argyle shouting from the ground. "Hey, does anyone know the dead guy's name? I'm making him a headstone."

"You do realize we spent all morning hiding the body."

"Well, I'll just write, uh, Here Lies Unknown Hero Agent Man. Yeah, saved Argyle, Jonathan, Will, Mike, and Bianca from certain death," he nods.

"You're gonna write our names on the pizza box?"

"They're pretty common names."

"Argyle?" Bianca scoffs. "That's a common name?"

He simply shrugs, continuing to struggle writing on the box. Bianca narrows her eyes at that, reaching her hand out. "Can I see that?"

"It's a piece of shit, I'm warning you now," he hands it over, and she inspects it as Mike and Will walk over, clearly having the same thought process.

"Does it say anything?" Mike asks, just as she unscrews the top, allowing a rolled up piece of paper to fall out.

Mike picks it up, Bianca looking over his shoulder at the writing, with a visible smile growing at the sight of a phone number.

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