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__________c h a p t e r  s i x t y - t w o

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c h a p t e r s i x t y - t w o

"Sam, what happened? I thought you were ready?"

"I am," she steps away from him, voice trembling. "But isn't this the fun part for you? Chasing your victims."

"I'm freeing you, Sam. No more performing to what society wants. You're finally accepting that you don't deserve..." he stalks towards her, mirroring each step she tries to put between them.

"Anything!" he lunges towards her, prompting her to run out of the room and down the stairs.

Of course, the steps begin to crack with each step, making it harder to outrun her monster.

"This plan better work," Sam lets out a breath, running to the front door, only for it to be boarded up.

Little did she know Max was doing the exact same, completely unaware of her torment.

She opens another door, trying to get out as she hears Steve yelling on the other side.

"Sam, let me in! You're not gonna leave me for dead again, right? Sam!" his voice only grows angrier, as she steps back, eyes teary.

Remembering what Max said about focusing on the good memories, she takes a deep breath, allowing her brain to be flooded with the best times in her life.

Dawn and her having a dance party in her room, singing terribly to the dumbest songs.

"You can't run from me, Sam!"

Movie nights with her family.

"Open the door!"

Her first date with Steve.

"It should've been you that night!"

Sleepovers with Robin.

"It's time to say goodbye."

Telling Steve she loves him.

And suddenly, she was alone, at the Indianapolis State Fair, watching the rides light up, and fireworks in the sky, all while she tries to catch her breath.

She did it. Right?


"What do I do?" El asks, unsure whether she should leave Sam's mind and enter Max's.

"It's a trick, El," Bianca realizes. "You said that he told Sam she was next, right?"


"He told her his entire plan, why would he do that?" the brunette attempts to rationalize, voice shaking in fear of being wrong. "He has them both because he wants the group to be confused. If they don't know which one to save, it gives him time."

SINISTER ~ STRANGER THINGS (2)Where stories live. Discover now