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_________c h a p t e r  f i f t y - o n e

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c h a p t e r  f i f t y - o n e

Morning comes, and as Sam's parents get ready for the day, the doorbell rings incessantly.

"¿Leo, puedes atender por favor?" Gianna shouts from the kitchen.

He tears his eyes away from the news playing in the living room, eyebrows furrowed as he approaches the door.

He opens it quickly, confused who would be here this early, only to be met with none other than Dawn Henderson.

Well, Dustin too.

"Hola, Mr. Flores," she smiles wide, stepping through the door before he could even say hi.

"Hi, Dawn, it's nice to see you. You too, Dustin," he chuckles. "How's New York?"

"It's good. It's nice to be away from the suburban life, but sometimes I miss it," she shrugs. "Also, I haven't had a home cooked meal in months, so I'm starting to lose my mind."

"Well, I'm glad you're enjoying things. Sam's still sleeping, but I know you two which means I know that you also want breakfast," he jokes.

"You know us so well," Dustin grins, walking in the kitchen with them.

Gianna was still facing the stove, flipping the omelette in her pan as she hears Dustin sit down at the breakfast bar.

"Hi, Mrs. Flores."

"Hi Dustin, it's been a while, how've you been?"

"I'm good. Sorry, I've been so caught up in school and Hellfire, I haven't really come over."

"Well, you should. Don't tell her I said this, but I think Bianca's feeling a little-" she turns, and her words make him perk up, instantly concerned.

However, the sight of Dawn makes her stop her sentence, practically dropping her spatula, running over to hug Dawn. "My third daughter is back."

"Hi, Mrs. Flores," she chuckles. "I missed you too."

"How was the flight?"

"It was fine once I finally got on the plane. They delayed my first flight then cancelled it and I couldn't find another one until 2 am last night."

"Oh, God," she gasps, giving Dustin a full plate.

"Thank you."

"Hey, Leo, can you get Sam?" she calls out, before they get interrupted by the sound of Sam's room door opening. "Nevermind."

Sam yawns as she walks in the bathroom, getting ready for the day. Luckily, she woke up quickly, ushering Steve out of her window before her parents could come up to check on her.

Soon after, she comes downstairs, fully dressed and audibly gasping at the sight of her best friend at the kitchen table.

She immediately wraps her in a hug, almost knocking her to the ground in the process.

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