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_________c h a p t e r  e l e v e n

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c h a p t e r e l e v e n

Five minutes later, the women finish topping the hot chocolates, when Gianna speaks up.

"So what's the verdict?"

"On what?" Sam squirts a bit of whipped cream in her mouth before placing it back in the fridge.

"With Steve. He keeps giving you googly eyes from across the table."


"Well, I guess that's a no," she chuckles, putting away the chocolate sauce.

"Okay, six thunderstorm hot cocoas incoming," Gianna exclaims, holding a tray of the steaming drinks.

Everyone cheers as they grab a mug, all expressing their delight at the delicacy.

As they all finish, they continue to discuss all types of things, like Steve's new job, potential new hairstyles for El (courtesy of Gianna), and Bianca's plans for next school year.

Eventually, the rain stops, and the kids run to Bianca's room, while Leo and Gianna go to sleep. Sam takes this time to walk Steve out, grabbing his clothes from the dryer.

"So... you stopping by Starcourt tomorrow?" he questions as they step out onto the porch.

"We have a Russian secret to unveil, don't we?" she chuckles.

"Is that the only reason you'd stop by?"

"Should there be another? Gonna buy me some more flowers, maybe leave more notes in my work inbox?" she teases.

As far as the notes, Steve had left several notes in her inbox throughout their shifts today. How he got in, she doesn't know, but they made her smile nonetheless. They included random compliments like:

"You look beautiful in red."

"Prettiest eyes I've ever seen."

Among many others.

She was flattered, almost surprised he was laying it on so thick, but a part of her was still hesitant. Sweet talk was simply that. Talk.

"You got them? Good," he doesn't falter, stepping a bit closer.

"Yeah, made me smile," she shrugs.

"What if I told you I could make you smile every day?"

"With chocolates this time? I like the ones with-"

"Caramel, I know," he finishes her sentence, and her stone cold expression flits into a grin for just a second.

"Right, I forgot you were the Samantha expert," she jokes.

"Let me take you out," he blurts, eyes meeting hers.

"You wanna take me out?"

"I thought I made that clear yesterday."

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